I need Help!!Theres hissing/broken/delayed audio when i record..i dun noe why... :(


New member
HI Guys...

I really need ur help in tis!!
I bought a Tapco Link.usb audio interface and it comes wit a free software(Tracktion).
Then I set it up at home using my laptop.(mic-condenser & headphones-->interface)
After installin thesoftware n all,,i opened my Tracktion.
Then i put on my headphones, and i could hear great,clear,crisp,perfect sound..
But when i click on the recording button,,the sound was a total disaster..
I could hear freakin hissing,broken,delayed sounds.i couldnt even understand wat i was sayin when i tried to talk into the mic...
I din noe wats the problem..i tried to firgure out by adjustin that,this,that,this but its still the same..
i din noe who else to ask...N im so desperate to hav my own home recording,bt i cant :(
Actually i bought all those stuffs for 799 bucks, 6-7 months back n up till now, i still cant figure it out..

Any of you engineers could gimme a hand??Im willing to meet up wit you to get it fixed anywhere,anytime, as long as ur in singapore laa...haha.

When you say your can hear "great, clear, crisp, perfect sound", what sound is that? Is it an audio playback from your Link.USB?

What did you try to adjust when you are troubleshooting the problem? Have you tried starting from no gain and slowly bringing it up? Have you tried your mic in another situation (ie, is there anything wrong with your mic)? Tried using another mic?

Also in your Tracktion, I assumed you have selected ASIO and not WDM as the driver. If not, make sure you're on ASIO. Make sure the buffer size is not too large. Lastly, what are the specs of your laptop?

I know it's frustrating. But there's really no reason to post multiple posts in 4 different sections of the forum. It just takes up more time for me to delete them. Posting everywhere doesn't guarantee a response - you just need to post once in the right place! Thanks.
Oopss...sorie bro..im juz not too sure where to post it...sorie bro.
The sound that i heard was actually the actual sound that i need comin into my mic without clickin on the record button,after turnin on my asio and interface..and yea...i tried everythin..even my mic's brand new(AT2020)...bt im not too sure bout my laptop's specs..ouh,,Im usin 'Acer Aspire 4920' btw.
Thanx fer replyin. :)
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usually i'm faster with response, but cos I never used before n waiting for someone who probably has used tracktion before to speak up.. guess not.

"hi,im usin tracktion...and when i tried to connect the tapco icon to track 1,,shit happens..
it sounded like a buzzing-machine-gun...im usin 44100 Hz n a bit depth of 16-bit..
i tried to change the bit-depth but it's still the same..ouh yea and my latency is 2.9 milliseconds..

your laptop should be ok cos I have weaker laptops that operate fine for recording.
what I've noticed is your latency. 2.9 is pretty good! but could explain totally cos I work with input latency 10.68ms and output latency of 7.3ms, i know i know , a boo-boo, I could easily match that 2.9ms too playingback 30 tracks stable at once but I choose to increase the latency for stability issues. so if tapco has its own control panel (in my case zoom r16) , increase the "buffer size" and repeat the testing till you get good results.

the other thing we don't realise we're culprit of, do you have any live "FX" or "VST" or "plugins" running like compressors or guitar cabinet simulation etc , cos the question i often get is "how come my com is so powerful 2gb ram and audio i/f is stable but i get jittered/audio etc" and I literally take a look at the desktop the fella has 100 plugins running at the same time. so run a check on that as well.

let us know the update hope this helps