i have a band, now wat can i do to....


New member
i have a band, playing originals, someting like modern rock. now wat can i do so that me and my band members can earn from these songs?

make an album and then sell them? but how?

make concerts? how??

pls advise me..

ive been playing 4 a while now, but am very green in getting it running..
ask urself what actualli are u tryin to achieve when formin aband at the very first. to get famous or just for interest?

if u wanna get famous.. practice more.. try to be a tight band... improve everything till the best u can.. ur vocals.. playing.. skills.. etc.. make some nice songs.. record it professionally.. and release a cd?

if ur just hobby.. still... brush up ur skills.. and learn more new songs.. try to go into other genres.. noe more about other kind of music but not limiting ur self to rock only.
thx gordon!!

so i c, i make my band really air tite, then do an album rite...but wat happened wen those albums nebber sell? i guess recording costs are pretty steep..

wud like to hear from all the other guys as well!!!!

hi 5rule

have you let anyone listen to your music before? you can post some of your stuff here and we can give you some suggestion as to how you could/should proceed.
felytone said:
thx gordon!!

so i c, i make my band really air tite, then do an album rite...but wat happened wen those albums nebber sell? i guess recording costs are pretty steep..

wud like to hear from all the other guys as well!!!!


gordonzz said:
playing.. skills.. etc.. make some nice songs.. record it professionally.. and release a cd?

i've said it :wink: nice songs... and how u noe its nice? of cos u would let ur friends and families have a taste first before recordin it.. since its nice.. theres no reason it wont sell.. unless u print ur own naked body on the front cover la :lol: ...i mean unless u've go the wrong music direction.... example.. if no much people listen oldies nowadays.. would u still play them? thats it if ur firm of ur music stand.. but if u wan to sell ur record and get big.. thats kind of commercial music..

commercial music means doin what u don like and things u find distasteful just to sellout... do what the consumers want.. not what u want..
commercial music means doin what u don like and things u find distasteful just to sellout... do what the consumers want.. not what u want..

i understand wat you mean, if wat you said is true, then most bands have a hard time even selling themselves out to the public...

i feel there is a space in the lister's heart for any kind of music, just dat the approach must be rite...

but the problem is how you approach these ears, in this case the singaporean listeners.. heck!! is there such things as the singapore listeners???!!!!

cuz if we keep on jamming and gigging and at the end of the day when we gonna tell our children wat we did in those days, yes we gonna have satisfaction and fame, but is dat all wat singapore music has to offer to all musicians???

i mean wen youre in a foreign country, the kids got together and jam and wen they have enuff originals, they come out to get paid shows and record deals..but us here in dis island, we get together and jam and gat satisfaction and pride...i tink dats how the term local music is coined.

makes me wonder wat the old chaps in oddfellows, triryche, stompin ground, flying pills, padres etc. are doin these days...

im getting sick now...

to the other guys, do drop in your how you feel abt this matter, even your 2 cents worth. and offer ideas on how can we fill in the space with our music in the heart of the listeners.
5rule said:
commercial music means doin what u don like and things u find distasteful just to sellout... do what the consumers want.. not what u want..

i understand wat you mean, if wat you said is true, then most bands have a hard time even selling themselves out to the public...

haha yea... see how many bands actualli got a break while the rest just dont get anything.. :lol:

wah lauz... dont let this turn into another thread discussing about local music why cannot take off leh... got a few before oredy and all dont come to anything in the end... :?

anyway ...just keep the passion on la.. don care so much.. just keep playing :wink:
5rule, have you recorded something that we can listen to? i would love to listen to your stuff before recommending how you/your band can make the next move.
5rule said:
i feel there is a space in the lister's heart for any kind of music, just dat the approach must be rite...

i mean wen youre in a foreign country, the kids got together and jam and wen they have enuff originals, they come out to get paid shows and record deals..but us here in dis island, we get together and jam and gat satisfaction and pride...i tink dats how the term local music is coined.

Hi 5rule,

WHat you said for the 1st papragraph is very true. Since you know that, I guess you'd definitely work very hard at that.

As for the 2nd para, I thk you might be mistaken. From what I know (which cannot be taken for the empirical truth), bands overseas have the same problems as well. It doesn't mean that when you have enuff of your own material, it's a definite law tt you get paid shows. If you get paid shows, it means tt you can really pull in a crowd (read at least to pack a club) which no new band can ever fully claim. Huge bands like Linkin Park have played pay-to-play shows b4.

I believe that you are under the impression that record deals are similiar to those that Universal, EMI and Sony-BMG can offer, packages which come with an enornmous marketing budget. The bulk of the bands on this planet don't belong to that category. They are usually under small labels far even smaller than 4AD, Nonesuch (which has major label backings), etc.

Some ppl get lucky and some dun. Listen to James, get some recordings out and let him have a listen b4 he can advise you.
AgingYouth said:
Listen to James, get some recordings out and let him have a listen b4 he can advise you.

actually, it should read, "Get some recordings out and let all of us here have a listen b4 we can advise you." :wink:
i dunno y u play to get famous. isnt juz palying fun enuff for u man?i mean come on i mean no one really cares if they make it big i guess its juz for fun and i dont any singaporeans will make it big around the world its highly unlikely
If we stay on to this thinking, "have fun and 'feel song'". Then our music scene will be very jialat.
Finding out the tastes etc.

Hi, 5Rule.

5Rule - would that also be the name of your band?:)

Here's my input...

First, think about why you are in the band thing, as the other post-ists have mentioned. Is it a hobby? If you want to get into the scene, decide if you want to specialise as a live act (as an amateur at first), a pub band (he-he), or a recording band (extremely rare here) etc. I'm not joking, for these choices are very real.

Find out the Singaporean tastes. Notice the plural form, tastes. Actually, its not that difficult to find out. And contrary to popular belief, we locals don't have such bad musical tastes. I mean, you'd be shocked to hear the commercial crap Americans love to gorge down! It is true that Asians are mellow, musically, but not always. The most widely accepted musical styles here are modern R&B, hip-hop, commercial pop, Mandarin pop and Chinese audiohpile 'jazz', Brit-pop, so-called alternative rock, vocal jazz - and more recently, classical cross-over and lounge . The smaller fringe groups include nu-metallers and trance ravers. I speak from experience in having worked in a record shop.

I assume you'd want to write your own songs (unless you're a cover band). Songwriting is half the fun and it can be the one thing that makes you still love music, even when commercial dreams seem to wither. Go listen to your favourite records, study them deligently, find out what makes you love them so much and apply what you've learnt to your own art.

There are many aspects to being a band, too many to mention. You might want to ask the experts out there. Here are just a few more things you might want to look into: copywriting your songs (songs are not to be confused with recroded material); becoming a songwriter; selling your songs to other people to record; finding affordable recording studios; finding a good sound engineer or learning the art yourself; marketing strategies; sending out demos to locaal and foreign radio stations, clubs, deejays, MP3 sites; making remixes for different audiences etc.

Good luck, 5 rule and we hope to hear your MP3s sometime on this site etc.
