I gave up finding a female vocalist for the band.


New member
We write our own songs. We aren't great singers, so we depended alot on the melodies of our songs. It's safe to say that we have great tunes. However, we figured that a good female vocalist will improve the delivery of these songs.

So I was being courageous and confident. I tried to find a female vocalist on my own and approached a few of them myself (schoolmates, friend of friend, etc) and all of them were just too shy for the post. Talk about dying confidence.

And there was soft. So yea, we're calling for a female vocalist! Ability to play an instrument is good too, but it's cool if you don't. We are multi-intrumentalists.

More about us: honestly, we have just came together a month ago but we knew each other for years. One is a classical guitar student and has a good ear for melodies. Another was a drummer and lead guitarist for several metal bands over the years. He is a sessionist for sets such as this at esplanade: http://youtu.be/AoXp08uvOzQ . And I am just a lonely songwriter who plays the keys and guitar at home. Wrote for a campaign by SKM recently. You can hear one of my work sang by my cousin here: http://youtu.be/e_43qwonoUY .

We are looking into alternative rock such as the script and one republic. Still in the midst of finding our sound. So yea, you are more than welcome to help us out with that too.

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