Humming Help!!


New member
Hi guys,

I got a Squier 7 String and it hums whenever i palm mute. Its a H/H guitar. I think it could be the grounding problem. So opened up the cover and found two white wires which are not soldered to anywhere. The two wires is from each humbucker. Should i ground these 2 wires?

Thanks in advance
If the pickup hasn't already been grounded, ground those wires. It's likely to be a grounding problem.
how many wires does each humbucker have??
if its 2 and the other one is wired to the selecor.. then you go n ground the other wire..
but i never heard of humming caused by grounding.. so why not wait till experts come in..
Theres Red, White and the Naked wire. The Red on is soldered to the Selector, the naked one is grounded and the white one is unsoldered.
If i'm not mistaken you are using a 3 way selector switch yes? If so, you can just ground the white together with the bare. There shouldn't be any loose wires left unsoldered in any case.
yup. im using a 3 way selector. Ok then. I'll ground the 2 wires together. Will comeback with news after soldering. Thanks pooo
Please note that you are using a humbucker guitar. The white could be a center tap for 'coil tapping' option to be installed. So if you ground it, you are effectively turning your guitar to single coil mode permanently.

I am making a logical guess for the above possibility. I suggest you bring it into a repair shop to check better. You could end up with more problems than you started with.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if it's a grounding problem, it shouldn't be there when he's palm muting because when his hand comes into contact with the strings, it's effectively providing a ground already. If there's humming when you're not touching the strings then I think it's a grounding problem..... Perhaps it could be a problem of shielding or electromagnetic interference rather then grounding?
Almost correct mero... what you are saying only applies to when the common ground is connected to the bridge for a bridge/string ground.
Hmm...Thanks for the help guys. I guess i have to rewire the electronics again and check what cause it to hum. Maybe this weekend.

What mikeman said was true, tried to solder the white wires to ground, what happened was the humming became different. It hums like a single coil. Therefore i undo it back.

Anyway, Thanks again people
mikemann is probably 99% correct if you had the humbuckers that way stock when you bought it.

to test whether they are single coil mode when you ground the white wires, simply use a screwdriver and tap on each of the single coils of the humbucker. one obvious loud one = single coil mode, 2 obvious loud ones = humbucking mode.

you should tape those two wires up (with masking tape) if that's the case.

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