HSS strat


New member
Hi, i've a strat but fitted with cobalt samarium noiseless pickups and
dh-1 humbucker. However, the neck position, does not seem seem to have
a typical strat bell-like strat tone. Is it due to the pickups?

And what pickups for neck and middle should i change to? so that can have
vintage or vintage hot kind of sound? and balances with my humbucker at
bridge? i know very little about pickups, will appreciate u guy's comments.
Thanks for fast replying!

Hmm, my strat has been setup my malcom about a month ago.
So i dun dare to adjust anything myself cox i am not familiar with

Hmm, currently cox my church dun use amps, so running through
my pod xt live as pre-amp, and i connect other analog pedals to
it. And it goes directly through the P.A. Otherwise, if jamming at
studios, it will be running through a DSL150H with 4x12" cabinet.

But my strat sounds modern/contempory. And the neck dun have
that strat tone. Wonder is it because its not vintage sounding
and because it is noiseless.

Wanted to change to some vintage or vintage hot neck and middle
pickups, but i dunno whether will balance with my humbucker.
If not balanced, i also dunno which humbucker to change to.
Any suggestions?

Your pickups are Fender noiseless. They don't sound vintage at all. Best to swap the pickups. Consider the Duncan Alnico II Pros for the bell-like tone you're after.

Call me if you have further questions :wink:
if u use norm strat pick ups be prepared for the noise and hum esp in poistion 1 and 3!

Go with vintage noiseless pups for a more traditional tone..

empty71 said:

Your pickups are Fender noiseless. They don't sound vintage at all. Best to swap the pickups. Consider the Duncan Alnico II Pros for the bell-like tone you're after.

Call me if you have further questions :wink:

Good point.

Or Duncan Classic Stack plus. You HAVE to try them.
dude.... basically.. higher output = lesser strat chime and treble strings sound better but, bass strings get alil beefier (bassier)

basically low output vintage pickups will get you some where there... alder or ash bodys also imho..
Kinman claims that his pickups have vintage strat tone while being noiseless. You might want to give that a shot.
kinmans don't really sound vintage at all. i have a set in my strat. its sweet but it doesnt have the spank and top end chime.
do/don't "sound vintage" ....opinions from 99.9% of the people who have never played a strat made before they were born. :?

(listening to old songs for "tone" on yur iPod don't count!)

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