how to use a Distortion?


New member
lol. i guess i'm a real noob. so ya, anyone can teach me how to use?
cus my friends are all not into music. thanks
Buy a distortion pedal, turn up the gain till it breaks. Keep turning, until you get to 11. Open your palm flat, as if you are going to slap someone. Start on the left side of your amp, placing your palm flat and firmly across the knobs. Move your hand to the right of the amp, turning up all knobs to full position in one swift go. Scream bloody murder and paly guitar.

:twisted: :roll:
r1x said:
lol. i guess i'm a real noob. so ya, anyone can teach me how to use?
cus my friends are all not into music. thanks

hi there. many of us here are unclear with regards to your query. really, there's no learning how to use a distortion (i'm refering to the pedal type), just switch it on & manipulate the knobs accordingly...
for a start, listen to any bands that have metal or rock in them. Confirmed there will be distortion. From there, roughly should now how the guitar man in the band uses it and learn from there. Imho..
My guess is he's trying to find out what kinda distortion sound suits him best or if ppl could recommend him on what to use and mayb advise him on how to use it.
He did say he was a noob so it makes sense he really doesn't know anythin abt distortion and such.
step 1) pm me
step 2) buy distortion pedal from me
step 3) buy batteries from me(a whole lot of triple a batteries would do)
step 4) bring pedal home
step 5) step on it
step 6) scream in frustration

ps: if ur neighbours lodge a police complaint or u break any item in your house, its not my problem...

so there ya go, how to use a distortion by razrash
Maybe he means the distortion on the amp...

1) Open your fingers
2) Grab the socket
3) Plug into the socket
4) Use your fingers to turn on the socket switch
5) Use a guitar cable to plug it into your electric guitar and use the other end of the cable to stuff it into the hole in the amp. (Check hole for compatibility)
6) Turn on the amp
7) Press the OD/Gain button
8) Up the volume on the guitar and amp
9) Strum
1) take bicycle pedal
2) bring to randolf to mod for smoother gain and tighter sound
3) convert to 1.5v power supply
4) attach pedal back to bicycle
5) ride off into the sunset with a distorted back wheel...
Hey I think you guys are all ass-holes....

If theres a noob question and you feel that you're too pro to answer it. Then just keep quiet and don't make fun of the noob.

Either you answer it or shut the hell up or you refer him to a link or something.
9 over replies all say all the bo liao things. WTF.... Its not funny at all with a the dumb references to turning on the amps/ovens/knobs.

Then at the end of the day people will complain say the forum got noob-ass people posting noob questions... Solve the problem, dont make it worse.

To r1x:
Basically, you use distortion as a tone shaping tool, depending on the type of music you play.

Obviously its not meant for acoustic/folk songs. So distortion in needed mostly for rock, or any other genre that needs a fair amount of drive and expression in the tone.

Simply said, you only need very little or some distortion for a blues song, moderate to heavy amt of distortions for rock songs in general and allot of distortion in heavy metal music. Of course I'm giving very generic answers cos you gave such an unspecific question so there you go.

Dependin on whether if its an amp built in distortion or a pedal one, you can use the EQ to further modify the sound to your liking.
Scott said:
Hey I think you guys are all ass-holes....

somehow if he had specify his problem/explain in detail, maybe they didn't need to reply as such. I can't really reply to someone who asks me how to use distortion. Is it what distortion does? Or maybe he doesn't know how to work the pedal? Let's all take a chill pill and stone while waiting for the threadstarter