How to train fingers?

Well, i learnt an exercise which is

B 4-2-6-4-8-6 ------- 12
G 3-3-5-5-7-7 ------- 11
D 2-4-4-6-6-8 ------- 10
A 1-5-3-7-5-9 ------- 9

1st "chord"
A - index finger
D - Middle
G - Ring
B - Pinkie

2nd chord
A - Pinkie
D - Ring
G - Middle
B - index

keep alternating until the 12th fret, then do it in reverse..
hope this helps

ohhh i've seen this technique in youtube b4...i forgot which guitarist did this...if im not wrong, its paul technique!
Haha! yeah yeah!

Hmm guys, can you help me out? =P

I am in my 3rd -4th month since i started playing and i just learn the barre chords. I am learning an acoustic.

Any advice on what should I try next, an exercise or a song?

Much appreciated!
Haha! yeah yeah!

Hmm guys, can you help me out? =P

I am in my 3rd -4th month since i started playing and i just learn the barre chords. I am learning an acoustic.

Any advice on what should I try next, an exercise or a song?

Much appreciated!

learning how to spell and the construction of chords would help greatly!