How to train fingers?


New member
Guys as stated above , i got a problem of my stiff fingers . As like i wanna switch from Am to G , I always got a problem to find strings all those , and very slow.Any advise?
it's cliche, but practice practice practice.
super boring (trust me i know), but at least i can switch open chords comfortably now. (:
practice each chord individually....practice switching between them at a very slow speed.....and then speed up as u feel more and more comfortable =)
Keep playing the same chord until playing the chord macam eat rice drink water lidat. Then do the same for the next chord :D
You could buy those finger clamp thingies (it's in a V shape and all you have to do is press them together to exercise your fingers) from daiso or shops that sell gym equipment. Just to train the finger muscles. They don't train the dexterity, but the stronger fingers help (:
Heh... The answer to all problems related to fingering and chord changing or sight-reading is...

PRACTISE makes perfect.
You could buy those finger clamp thingies (it's in a V shape and all you have to do is press them together to exercise your fingers) from daiso or shops that sell gym equipment. Just to train the finger muscles. They don't train the dexterity, but the stronger fingers help (:

that's just a sad waste of money.
my schoolmate bought one and from what i see they don't help at all.
the way to depress the strings is to push down with your whole finger, not the tips.
to hold chords we use the tips anyway, and why spend money when you can avoid it and use the money to get strings or smth (:
When you change chords u must always know that you move all ur fingers at once. As in you dont fret the notes one by one, instead all ur 5 fingars move into place at the same time. So you work on this and soon you will be on your way for some rocking nice stuff!
You could try this:

Practice changing the chords from Am to G for example but do not strum. Just practice changing first, slowly then increase the speed gradually. (Again don't strum first).

Once comfortable you try both changing and strumming at the same time.
You could try this:

Practice changing the chords from Am to G for example but do not strum. Just practice changing first, slowly then increase the speed gradually. (Again don't strum first).

Once comfortable you try both changing and strumming at the same time.

tat's exactly what i do

use that to train ur muscle memory first.
then u strum.

i do that on the piano too, actually i did tat on the piano then use the same concept on the guitar.
hmmm.. i don't really have any other advice for you then. Just practice harder?
You'll get it in time to come, just be patient
Keep doing it as fast as you can go but MAKE SURE YOU HIT THE STRINGS. After awhile you should get faster and faster.

I'm not very experienced at this though, cos the songs I play only use power chords :p
never give up trying. maybe u try pressing on string of the chord first which is the bass note. then u slowly progress la. if u one string cannot change fast then chord of course surely cannot la.. well i always play the bass note first so easier to memorize where the chords ah.. just my own practice technique ah.. hope it works =)
Yea. I got my guitar earlier this year, and now I can change comfortably from chord to chord because I spent 10pm-5am every friggin night for like 1+ months playing warm-ups and chords (mainly better man by robbie william, but w/e).
Just practice so much that you get bored of getting bored.
Well, i learnt an exercise which is

B 4-2-6-4-8-6 ------- 12
G 3-3-5-5-7-7 ------- 11
D 2-4-4-6-6-8 ------- 10
A 1-5-3-7-5-9 ------- 9

1st "chord"
A - index finger
D - Middle
G - Ring
B - Pinkie

2nd chord
A - Pinkie
D - Ring
G - Middle
B - index

keep alternating until the 12th fret, then do it in reverse..
hope this helps