How to strum the Chines song - Qing Fei De Yi


New member
Hi - heard this Chinese song, Qing Fei De Yi on the radio.
A very melody song. Trying to play this song on the guitar but struggling to figure out the strumming pattern !
Can any expert advise on the strumming pattern and how to do it ? Hopefully is easy to learn ! Thanx !
I'm no strumxpert, but I can tell you what I hear.

There are muting happening on beats 2 & 4.


1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &

tP P X P tP P X P

tP - Thumb Pluck
P - Fingers Pluck
X - Mute

Video Example

Hope I helped :)
Cheers buddy!
Happy Fei Fei De Yi
Wow! You even do a video demo !
I am impressed ! Plucking & strumming don't look that easy ...
Thanx a lot !
Hi Music Pebbles,

Thank You ! Appreciate your help !
Now enjoying strumming the song on my Taylor ... beautiful melody !
Now I am trying to figure out the Intro and the Instrumental verse (after the chorus)

Wonder id it is like this:
| C | G Am | F Em| F G | C | C |
