How to spot a fake gibson pickup?


New member
Sometimes when you buy secondhand pickups, they don't come with boxes. So how do you spot a fake for e.g., gibson pickup?
Yeah they have all the necessary stuff at the back of the pickup even with other pickups too.
if the seller claims its a gibson pickup but you are not convinced, just don't buy it for your own good. if the pickup itself doesn't have stickers or other forms of identification, it would be very hard to tell what model that pickup is so I wouldn't want to take that risk.
unfortunately, some Gibson pups don't have the Gibson logo on the back - the 57 classic is a case in point, as it replicates a period-correct PAF pup... which doesn't have the logo on the back, and only has a "Patent Applied For" sticker.


I once sold a pair of 57 Classics to a buyer who apparently didn't do enough homework, and was then subsequently accused of selling a fake Gibson pickup! After pointing out that 57 Classics don't have the logo, the buyer did a bit more research and found that to be true. It ended well, but it could have been avoided if the buyer was a bit more informed and aware of this little factoid.

O damn you gibson, why must you make verifying your 57 classics so hard! :p