how to spin the guitar


New member
anybody noes where.....can learn how to do those guitar tricks like spining the guitar and stuff if u have any material post it here
well hey to ans your qn.., hmm i dunno if there's a manual or such or a site that teaches u to do it.. but do you trust your staps that much to swing ur guitar or do you have too many to keep.. llol..

well my best bet is to watch how the pros do it like errr. yngwei,jimi n such..
yeah follow jimi and watch your guitar ago up in flames :lol: how do you wanna swing your guitar around? with the strap? unless you have monkey grips like a jem,thats the only way you can swing i think
something like this perhaps?


straplocks,a smooth shirt and strap,a wireless unit,plenty of space around you,and a healthy strong set of balls. making sure your strap pin screws are VERY secure would be a good idea.

give the guitar a good hefty push/swing and go for it,its not that hard actually.
as a responsible musician, i implore you not to execute or even try such an act. concentrate on your music. nothing is more important.
how's that so? stage presence/image is definately an important part of being a decent live band. i've been many bands,while impressive musically, stood like statues onstage with little movement, on the other hand,i've also seen bands that weren't that good musically but got the crowd and energy level sky high with the intensity of the stage show. guess which turned out more enjoyable?

if these "gimmicks" detract from your ability to play the music properly,then dont do it. but if you can pull them off and still play decently,go for it by all means.
i think the best example would be the dillinger escape plan. completely insane stage show,guitarists and bassist all over the place,jumping around and slamming their headstocks into the celing,each other etc admist epilepsy-inducing strobe lights...and playing all the material NOTE FOR NOTE PERFECT. best live gig i've ever seen,period.
oh yeah? I bet you won't be saying that if you were standing in the front row and the stupid guitarist on stage decided to swing his guitar, which flew off and slammed you in the face :lol:
I agree ... While many people play well, they need to move about more ... And definitely doing stuff like this will work up the crowd alot more than playing an impressive solo if the crowd doesnt know how to appreciate it....
mero said:
oh yeah? I bet you won't be saying that if you were standing in the front row and the stupid guitarist on stage decided to swing his guitar, which flew off and slammed you in the face :lol:

on the contrary..i was in the front row of DEP, was nailed by ben's guitar a couple of times and nearly crushed by greg puciato's crowd diving (that man is alot thicker/heavier than he looks), but i still immensly enjoyed the show.
my band once played a show where afterwards,a guy came up to us with blood streaming out of his nose and mouth and said he got it in the pit when we were playing,still enjoyed himself nonetheless.
part and parcel of being right upfront, if you cant take the heat get out of the kitchen.
maybe mero plays like a "stone" lol. :roll:

unsane: +1.

when you do ridiculous moves and jumping around and stuff. you make the crowd more excited and thus making them feel uptight. i will personally volunteer to get hit by yngwie's guitar and stil enjoy his show nonetheless.
of course, I wouldn't expect anything else from a person who wanted a a light guitar to jump with and got a Les Paul :roll:

But then I would enjoy it immensely if I was in the crowd and Khai volunteered to be bludgeoned with a guitar. Hell, I would even sponsor the guitar.

Oh and a P.S. for people wanting to learn how to flame,

Unsane's post is an example of a reasonable retort to a post, making it perfectly okay in terms of net ettiquete.
However, Khai's post is an example of trolling and personal insult, which gives me license to flame him. That's it for Flaming 101. :lol:
mero +1 , nicely said.

i strongly support unsane's stand on this, if you can play and yet do these tricks, it will be even better. you're paid to entertain, not let ppl watch you play.
I recall watching a video of a local gig held at Republic Poly in Feb, the bassist of Set For Glory managed to spin his bass around perfectly. haha, you could try asking him how to do it, utha.
Try their myspace account or something :)

or... there's always Google :lol:
i totally agree with unsane on this issue.
in my opinion the importance of stage presence is wayyy too understated. especially in singapore.
some of the best gigs i've ever went for involved music not pertaining to my preference in genre but an awesome stage presence and a crazy mosh pit...
nothing beats a good band that can work the crowd.

kudos to unsane.
lol, the hard part is, most of us "normal" guitarists/bassists cant afford wireless systems. OR, u could improvise, spin your fretted instrument with the cable attached n do a skipping routine while spinning it...haha...

Anyway, yea, its great if u can play very well yet do lots of funny Michael Angelo...whahaha.. 8O
in small venues where the crowds are really close, it is a dangerous stunt to do. We don't wanna break those pretty little faces or those nice set of teeth.

showmanship is entertaining, but please, learn to play the music well first. A live gig is for the audience to feel and enjoy the music. Entertainment comes second to Musicianship.

if we want to be greatly entertained, we could go to the circus.

oh and one more thing, u know the way it is here in Singapore, nobody complains or do a thing until something happen. For all you know if some lame shit accident happen, they might start imposing more rules/laws regarding showmanship on stage
i've seen many local bands who do this. caracal and arpee to name a few. and i do it too.

u dont need a wireless. just make sure u have straplocks (i use those cheap plastic ones tat cost abt $2 from lee kwong seng studios), or tape up your strap really really secure(i dont really recommend tape though, straplocks are safer). and make sure your cable is long enough cos it has to swing around up and over you. and at least warn your members that ur gonna swing it.

its easier personally for me to swing it back. just really shove, and i mean shove ur bass or guitar back hard and it'll use its momentum to swing back forward. hard to put in words though. i just do it naturally at the spur of the moment.

come to our shows to see what i mean. haha. :lol:

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