how to solve my dead note issue


New member
hey guys i already posted this before but i am not sure how to solve this issue of mine. When i play the 18 th fret of the G string some weird noise comes out instead of a proeper note. S hinobi told me it might be a dead note. Anyone out there knows about this issue? and how to solve it?

if the dead note occurs at the 18th fret, you have a fret level problem tho its nothing and can be fixed.
fret the 18th fret and you will notice that the string buzzes on the 19th fret, and possibly o the 20th fret.
use small file to smmothen down the 19th fret slowly.

also before you grab that file, sight down your neck and see if it is backbowed i.e convex towards the strings.
the 'dead note' pheneomenon normally and usually occurs at the C or C# on the G string at the fret board.

to reduce or remove this there is fix in the form of the 'fatfinger' which is actually a clip that fastens to the headstock. alternatively, to 'hear' the dead spot coe alive, strap on the bass and press the top end of the neck against the wall and play....hear the difference.
Are the higher frets also giving weird noises? It could be due to a warped neck. Do get a professional guitar technician to have a look at it before committing to any repairs.
yup get a skilled guitar tech to take a look at it. if it is a dead note any corrective work you do on your frets will be permanent. meaning you risk screwing up your bass.

tough one to call though. maybe it could be a combi of neck warp and low action. just my guess. but then again i'm no guitar tech...
or you could try getting a fat finger..

i'd still take it to a tech first though. no point having a quick fix if you can remedy the situation properly.