How To- Shred


New member
Hey guys,

so my term exams just finished and i have a whole lotta time for my guitar now. i've always wanted to shred but was never successful. so could anyone help me by telling me how to start off?

i know everyone says start slow and then build up speed. but can u like give me some speed picking exercises that i should practice everyday or sth?

basically i need guidance from the pros out there.

thanx a lot

After lookingat your signature, I dunno if I should reply :lol:

Basically start off by practising alternative picking and some fret-hand runs. Pick a pentatonic scale or something, so as you go along you can also practise with some melody. The idea is to get your hands accustomed tothe motions, then build up speed and consistency. Dun worry about covering songs. Work the muscles first.

icic...yeah i figured i'd do some strict alternate picking exercises for a week or so to get both my hands coordinated. then after that practice a lick.

i was looking on guitar pro and i saw that they had a whole bunch of exercises for shredding..but all of them were like lightning speed...very intimidating.

thanx again

anyone has any good exercises for me to practice on? send me thru msn or sth? i have GP btw :D
The way to shred is simply know your way around the fretboard well.

Each individual learns this differently. For me, I developed a solid rhythm section and somehow my hands got aquainted to the board quickly, so I can navigate. Speed and precision is something you must practice, don't expect them immedietly.

Start slow bro, no point rushing in full speed and screwing up.
Hope this helps :D
BlackMoo said:
The way to shred is simply know your way around the fretboard well.

Start slow bro, no point rushing in full speed and screwing up.
Hope this helps :D

yeah thanx...but sometimes i really dont have the discipline to sit down and practice the same thing over and over again..gets so boring..then when i break loose and play something else i'll have no mood to practice get what i mean?

guess its time to REALLY sit down and start practicing.
go check out paul gilbert's videos on youtube. that's how i got my inspiration and licks to shred. :D

not saying i can shred very good though.
paul gilbert might scare the dude. anyway, u can always start with the more straightforward 3 notes per string attempt at shredding. that would mean 3 notes part of the major scale on each string. practice moving up and down strings, switching strings and all the shit u can come up with. its a very personal experience i must say. and yah string skip ala gilbert when u feel adventurous. and then its pretty much the same build up speed thingy. hope this helps.
to shred. the 1st most important thing is to know your way around the fretboard.
you should know where you wanna go next while playing the root before.

inorder to know your fretboard.
just go up and down the all the scales a million times..

and once your done with that.

do it again.
lol i dont even know my scales lah..i know like the blues and C major scale lol

i dont even know the pentatonic scale! zomg i gotta go google the tab for the pentatonic scale and learn it then. btw thanx everyone for all the links..checking them out one by one :D
Anirudh said:
lol i dont even know my scales lah..i know like the blues and C major scale lol

technically you only need to learn the major scale, coz scales like the minor scale is taken frm the major scale
shred is all about pattern lor, u play one pattern starting from root note then when u hit the next root note, u use the same notes you played. So from there you see a pattern, then u when u play fast u will hear a bloorrr pruuuu pruuu poooppp.
u have GPro ? that's a good way to learn ... do the exercise, slow down the speed/tempo, get the pattern rite 1st ... till u r comfortable then up the speed.

or there's a command that u can do the piece and up the speed by which ever no. u want. like u can start off from 80, when the song finished, it'll add 5 or 10 each round and start again, till u can do it up till your desire speed

have fun. :D

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