How To Rip Audio From A Video Concert?


New member
Hey guys.

I'm wondering how i can rip songs from a live concert i just dl-ed recently.

i want to rip the parts from the audio track of the video and save them separately as audio tracks!

What program can i use to do this?

Can Audacity do the job?

Hey guys.

I'm wondering how i can rip songs from a live concert i just dl-ed recently.

i want to rip the parts from the audio track of the video and save them separately as audio tracks!

Is there anything you can say, further, to make me think that what you are doing isn't illegal?????

I tot only scum-like websites help their members to promote music piracy!
chill rork, most music bootlegs aren't illegal to download. in fact I'm one to think that true bootleggers are a noble bunch. unless of course he's downloading dream theater live in budokan or something