How to Revive my Antique guitar


New member
hi guys... i've got an old guitar made and bought in the 50's by my late grand father, he passed it down to me in he's will and i just wanna give it more life... there lots of dust, some of the frets are heavily worn down... the nuts are super worn down and the designs around the sound hole has peeled of a lil... frets board looks super dry and "peeling"

anyone knows how i can bring some life back to this antique and make it playable again? only reason y i'm doin this is becuz it still sounds darn gd.

hope to hear some help from u guys... thnks
but the whole value will drop, you do know that right?

you can always send it for a makeover over at standard value?
Nevermind the value if this is a piece passed down by your grandpa. I will value it if my late grandpa were to pass me one.
wow that has some serious mojo, get a good luthier to do the job? i don't suppose you would want to risk spoiling it
Is this an acoustic or clasical guitar? IMHO there are several ways to look at reviving the guitar. From its 1) aesthetics/cosmetics aspects 2) its 'resale' value, 3) its playability, 4) tone quality, 5) I don't know... I'm sure there are more. I guess, you need to determine which is your topmost priority.

The way i read your message, there is a sentimental value to the guitar and it is not exactly showcase condition thus playing it once in a while would be the most sensible thing to give the guitar (and your late grandpa's good intention) some justice. You also said that it sounds darn good so I guess the wood has aged well and the guitar is structurally still very sound. If the sound is something you value, I'm not sure if a full make over will not alter the quality of the sound (eg, having it resprayed may add load to thin walls which may result in dampening of the resonance... I may be wrong here). Perhaps what you need is some TLC with the cleaning, oiling/moisturizing of the fretboard and setting up.

These can be DIY. However, if you're sending it out, do consider sending it person(s) that are experienced or at least at ease with acoustic/classical guitars.

If you wish to DIY, at least the cleaning and the oiling part, Use a lint free soft cloth and mineral oil to clean. Avoid abrasives and solvents. and you wouldn't want to spray lemon pledge or something like that in the hollow body.

Anyway, good luck with your project.

mayeb i'll do the cleaning part...but i'll definitely need to change the nuts.... they've sinked in big time, just on the 6th and 5 string.... they buzz....(too close already).... can DIY this?

about setting up the guitar.... i'm not too familiar about setting up a classical guitar,can adjust the keck and bridge?

anyway... can recommend some oils to use to moisturize the wood... so i dun have to resort to hardcore stuff... hahah, thanks man
haha just nice got my hands on my aunts 1974 mij yamaha classical. no problems with it just thinking of giving the fretboard a buff? heard steelwool works wonders. and to lower the action just sand the bridge down right? i dont really want to do that actually so how much does a "lower/thinner" classical guitar bridge cost? any classical strings to recommand? only heard of the pro arte series by d'addario.:)
i would send it down to luthier like malcolm or guitar hospital to change the nut and do a re-fret if necessary. you might tear some wood along with the nut if you try to take it out yourself.

i wont recommend steel wool for the fretboard. you can clean and moisturize the wood at the same time using lemon oil. you can get those from home-fix or NTUC even.

post some pics of the guitar? sounds like its a antique guitar with lots of mojo
Well, i have a yamaha guitar passed to me from my father which he traded with my uncle who was once in the western union band.. I like the sound of that guitar as its really crisps and rings well on the highs total contrast to my epiphone.
Anyway, i did not change anything to it and its bloody worn.. lol
so yeah,IMO if the guitar has a sentimental value, dont do any shit to it.. haha

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