how to record using line 6 floor pod


New member
hi all
i am trying to record on line 6 floor pod with softwares such as line 6 monkey, cool pro edit and line 6 edit..
how do i connect the pod to my computer and record?

pls guide me
is this it ?
are you using windows xp ? if you are :

line6 phones output > 1/8 earphone cable > into behind your PC soundcard BLUE colour (line in)
start > run > sndvol32.exe > options > properties > mixer device : SOMETHING INPUT , tick all > then if there's a line in choose line in, if NO BLUE, then use RED (mic in) and use microphone at this point to adjust the recording volume

then use your DAW (in your case cool edit, or download free Audacity) and record away~.. if it's peaking/clipping/overloading, set your guitar input softer or set your mic in softer or both levelled nicely.

hope this helps!
got it xp..
thx for everything:)

what is the better software to edit my videos rather than window media player which change my recording sound like adding hiss n noise after editing
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