How to read this chinese guitar tabs


New member
Hi There!

i am recently looking for chinese songs tabs and i keep seeing a type of tabs that i have no idea how to read. It is diffirent from the usual type of tabs.

Can someone enlighten me on what is the
1)meaning of those x
2)the numbers
3)the the lines connected to the numbers

This is the link:

Thank you!
x: means pluck the string indicated by x

Numbers: melody note. 1 is doh, 2 ray, 3 me, 4 fah, 5 soh, 6 lah, 7 ti.
If there is dot above number means one octave higher. dot below number means one octave lower

Connected line: means to hold out the note longer.
okay, if x means pluck the strings, how do i play that song. Can you give me an example for the first part? I dont really understand the doh ray me fah soh part. Im sorry!

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