How to play notes licks and solos cleanly


New member
Hey guys

I've been having this problem when I play guitar for a long time. Somehow when in OD and the gain is set pretty high, I tend to not be able to hit a string cleanly without hitting other strings or just somehow getting a sustained openstring sound from a string I didn't hit.

I would really wanna know how I can improve my playing and get clean phrases and licks out!

Thanks guys!

J :cool:
hey J,

try lowering the gain? XP i doubt excessive gain is always needed. BUT if it is, then you should try the song SLOWER first, make sure its clean then speed up (y)

hope this helps
Oh yes yes, I understand that! But lets say for example it's a pretty hard rock solo, then what? HAHA. I guess I do need to work on my picking anyways! :p hehe thanks
I guess u didnt start doing that from the time u started learning guitar..

to me...its a technique that takes sometimes to get it...but its very important cause the guitar has got no damper pedal like the piano..

here's a typical.....if you are are playing the 3rd string...use your palm of RH to mute the 4th 5th 6th......your flesh of your LH to mute the 1st and 2nd string......

and if your solo move from 3rd string to 4th gotta release your RH mute on the 4th by movin up to mute only the 5th & 6th..and your LH up gently to muting the 1st , 2nd 3rd....its a moving up and down thingy...\

just remember the rules..when u play on one string...make sure the other 5 string are muted.....or else u will be considered a "dirty" sounding guitarist...hehe

That's really great advice. Well I never had a teacher for guitar till recently, been self learning. I just don't have a good basic foundation on guitar.

:) thanks again
no worries man....

also remember to mute the necessary strings for your chords, and also the duration of the note...all this matters......use your ears to be to tell whether are u muting the right thing....after a lotsa will becomes your second nature....but needs time......just don't hurry..hehe...results come slowly..sometimes even years....hehe..just gotta be patient..