how to learn the fretboard?


New member
Does anyone have any tips or methods on how to learn the fretboard well? ive always been looking at tabs , so theres no direct way for me to practise the fretboard by the notes. gets fustrating cause i dont know how to start . any help is aprreciated
learn the scales.. try out the C-A-G-E-D format for chords..
actually there is a certain way to memorize it..
for example.. look at an A5 power chord..
the E5 and D7 are both A's.. so from a simple power chord, the note on the E string and D string is both the same, if we're talking about standard tuning..
its also the same for B10..
so all-in all.. from your note on the E string.. move two string down, and two frets towards the bridge to get the same note, followed by another two steps down, 3 frets towards the bridge..
somehow i managed to learn the individual notes on the fretboard this way..
and try to test yourself once in a while.. as you're playing, stop and ponder what note is it actually you are playing at that point of time..
and one more thing..
remember this.. the underscores represent the frets between each note..
take for example the A string..
playing 0 on it is an A.. move one and playing on fret 2 is a B, while fret 3 is a C and it goes on.. (fret 1 is actually an A# or Bb)
hope it helps!
learning the guitar neck

easiest way to start is to learn the pentatonic scale - then u can jam along playing lead with a wide range of music. Once you've learned the pentatonic (ie 5 notes in the octave) then you can learn the additional notes required to play eg a major scale, a minor scale or a blues scale. And once u understand the scales, it'll help u understand how chords are constructed
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If you want to learn the fretboard as in what note correspond to which fret, one way you can start is buy hard memorisng the 6th sting (which means you will also know the 1st string) and identify and play the same notes, say for example, all the C's, on every string. Soon, your knowledge of the fret board will increase. But still, the keyword here is practise.

I'm also trying this method and now i'm qutie good at notes on the 1st, 4th, 5th and 6th strings. Gonna nail the 2nd and 3rd stings after As.

It would really help if you had a chart of the notes on fretboards. Even when you don't have a guitar with you, you can train just by thinking about it. My guitar ensemble instructor teached us this method and i think it works very well.
this method helps me. so i am jus gonna share it with u guys.

Take all your natural notes first meaning: C D E F G A B

Den from the 6th String to the 1st, From 0 fret to the 11 Fret, dun hit the 12 fret at all.

Find all your natural notes, listed above. find all ur Cs from 6th to 1st etc..etc..

this way when u note all ur natural notes, its easier to tackle your sharps and flats.

Now once u are done from 0 fret to 11th fret for all your natural notes, move on to the 12th fret to 24th. whatever you are learning on 0 to 11, tht is the octave lower to 12th to 24th. so again jus see 12th fret as 0 fret and 24th fret as 12th.. from there i believe you guys will noe how it goes!

Good luck!

And one more thing!! Practise with a metronome.. one note per 4 count first, den progressively work on one note on 2 counts, den one note on one count..

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