How to install decal on headstock


New member
Hey guys,

As mentioned above. Refering to fender decal on strat headstock. Polyurathane finished vintage-tint neck.

Where can i buy the finish.
Reviving this thread! So I just got my custom decal to be put on the headstock. The instructions that came with it are hard to understand. Any kind soul care to share on how to apply the decal on the headstock? My headstock is already lacquered, btw. Thanks :)
1. trim ur decal so that it's as close to ur logo only.
2. soak into a glass of water, leave for 1 min.
3. detach the film from the paper backing inside water.
Note: if the decal should curl over and stick to itself, put it back in the water and gently open it out while submerged.
4. clean ur headstock with water.
5. place decal on headstock with wet condition.
6. pat and soak dry the decal with toilet paper after position.
7. leave for 1 day to let decal completely dry.
8. ready for spraying clear coat.

enjoy the process!
akeiser: Ok, understood the steps but since my headstock is lacquered, is there a need for me to sand the lacquer off the headstock b4 I start to apply the decal n then lacquer it back once decal is dry? how do I lacquer it back?
Hi there,
It's totally up to u whether u want to sand it down or not.
In order to save times and works, i won't recommend it. =)

Lacquer back the headstock, it'll be consider as refinishing.
I used normal Spray can Nippon PYLOX clear color for lacquer.
There will be other methods that u can google it.

In general, u will have to spray for 10 ~ 20 THIN layer of clear coats.
Then wait it for completely dry for FEW days.
By using 1500 grit sandpaper, wet sand it until u cannot see the edge of the decal. (Here is the reason why u need to spray so many layer of clear coats.)

finally, use car polishing compound/wax to polish until it become shinny!

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