If you're aware that you're a slow learner, get a teacher.
If you're aware that you're a fast learner, follow these DIY steps.
1.Get a chord book
2.Practice some of the most basic chords eg: C,Am,F,G
3.Done practicing your chords, go on to playing your fav songs on the radio by playing the chords. Doesn't matter whether its pop or rock, as long as it keeps you in the mood to continue strumming.
4.By now you should have learnt all you major chords, C,D,E,F,G,A,B and a few minor chords, Em,Am,Bm,Dm
5.Continue strumming to songs, but this time, take songs which have a larger variety of chords and with slightly faster chord changes
6.By now you should be able to tackle barre(bar) chords, so go and learn them. If you're dam smart, you should be able to see a pattern between the position of chords, basically, music theory.
7.From here, you can start on different styles of playing the guitar, finger picking, picking, strumming patterns, or maybe a little shredding(I doubt so)
8.Anyway, by now you would have mastered all the minor and major open chords and memorised the positions of your barre chords. So, what do you do? You learn all dem kick-S solos! So learn to read tabs(shouldn't be a prob, I figured out in a few minutes)
9.From here on, you would venture into the realm of true guitar playing. Refer to internet, ultimateguitar, youtube, for stuff you don't know about. Try playing solos by listening and figuring them out. Don't always refer to google for tabs everytime you want to tackle a new song. Videos really help alot but that doesn't mean tabs are useless.
10.Never stop strumming! If you're bored of playing when you reach a higher level, maybe about 6 or 7 months, go back to basics. Sing along to your strumming, discover new strumming paterns. Create acoustic or unplugged versions of songs that have already been created. Just keep the spirit of strumming going on..
Well that's all to it I guess. That's probably a synopsis of my whole life as a guitarist and probably you'll learn a thing or two from it.
PS: Avoid bad habits like always down picking, or learning tears in heaven as your first finger picking song. It will really really really will annoy you like hell in the near future. And boy do I hate it.