How to give my amp/ bass a more "bassy" sound


New member
i currently using a tgm bass amps. it's a beginner amp. and can i know how to give my amp/ bass a more "bassy" sound.
the amp got EQ or not? if have you can turn up the bass EQ knob.

if not you can get a bass EQ pedal to tweak it. but it also depend if your amp speaker can reproduce the bassy sound accurately or not...
If your trying to get the bassy "CHUG" like Mesa boogie rectifiers , its basically impossible. You can get a EQ pedal but the difference is minimal with a small amp. My recommendation, get a better practise amp cause you have to spend like $100 plus to get the EQ pedal and the difference is also minimal. Meaning you wont get the sound your looking for. Another way to get your sound Bassier is to get Mahogany bodied guitar.

If you want a good sounding practise amp i do have a few recommendations.
Randall V2XM
Orange Crush30
Tech21 Trademark 30
Vox VT30
Roland Cube30
it is very likely that the amp is incapable of reproducing the low frequencies well. it could be because it is not powerful enough, or because the speaker is too small.

if that's the case, using an eq to boost the lows probably isn't going to help. it could just make the amp fart. the easiest way is to get a better amp
erm.. what speaker size is considered small? and what would be a recommended speaker size to accurately reproduce the bass signals?
erm.. what speaker size is considered small? and what would be a recommended speaker size to accurately reproduce the bass signals?

Generally, the larger a speaker cone, the more bass it can put out, the tradeoff being slower speaker response (hence less "punch"). However, this is extremely subjective, as a 4x10" may have more bass than a 1x15" amp of another brand. This is more so with today's day and age where speaker cone size does not dictate what kind of frequency range an amp can achieve.

Also, the TS's term "bassy" is equally subjective as I may define "bassy" as being extremely deep sounds, or "bassy" as what you get when you keep the tone knob rolled all the way down (even if there's alot of treble). Perhaps he can describe what kind of sound he's looking, maybe even offer a sample sound..?