how to even the finish of the guitar?


New member
I just sand my guitar's headstock cos of some undesired printing and I found that the finish became uneven.

How can I solve this?:confused:
well u have to sand down(even down) the whole area of the headstock where the logos are... then a fresh new coat of lacquer finishes it off
U try wet sand the whole headstock (this should create a powdery, satin texture). After than buff to shine with car compound wax. than final buff with the carubuna wax.
are you trying to remove part of the paint job and wants an even surface back again?

if so.. wet sand smooth the whole area with find grit sand paper eg.. 1500 and up. Once the whole headstock is smooth, clear coat it for about 4-5 layers at least. Sand it flat down and do your polishing again. The idea is to coat a layer of clear and flatten that clear instead of flattening what your guitar is left with.