How to eliminate or repair dead spots?


Hi, my decade-old warwick has a dead spot at the D note on the G string. The note does not sustain as well as the other notes. I have sent for repair before but the prob was not solved. Can any gurus advise me on the remedy? Is it a fret problem? Thanks.
Apparently it clips onto the headstock to add mass to it, and supposedly helps tone, sustain, overall balance, and helps tune out dead spots.

wait, what are dead spots?
the thing seems to work in principle, but whether or not it's effective... well.. someone has to get one and try right? 8)

dead spots are when certain notes on the fretboard "does not sustain as well as the other notes" to quote the TS. haha. i think that is more or less an accurate explanation

it happens because a fret is not level with the other frets, or there is a hump in the fretboard. in order to fix it you got to get a luthier to fix the frets

just curious, exactly what repairs did you have done on your bass?
just curious, exactly what repairs did you have done on your bass?

Hi, thank all for the replies. Fret leveling and some minor setup was done the last time but it was almost a year ago. When i tried it after the repair, though the dead spot was not totally removed, it sounded acceptable to my mediocre standard. But lately, the problem seemed to be back. So was it due to a not so good fret leveling, or is my warwick more susceptible to this problem compared to other basses? Sigh......
warwicks should NOT have ny dead spots as the necks are wenge, an exotic heavy and hard wood.

is yours a bolt on or neck thru?

anyways, if you have a dead spot, then i guess you got to fix it.

there is the 'fatfinger' a clip like device that clips to your headstock...but its ugly.

alternatively, you can fabricate a piece of thin brass plate to fit the back of your headstock......picture it...headstock...plate...tuning machines...
got to make the hole for the tuning machines.

there are lots of fabrication shops at pioneer rd north and this would cost you about $30.00.

you need to provide correct measurement and sizes on paper...or trace out th headstock.
i've got one. and for me it.... doesn't work!

my fender V has a dead spot on the 7th fret (D) and with or without it, makes no difference. still dead. i'm told where you place the ff is important as well, but i've tried pretty much everywhere i can clamp it on, still no results for me. maybe becos my fender V is extremely heavy, extra weight no point. but it doesn't bother me, cos i prefer using the high D on the D string. Roger Sadowsky swears by it though... and that probably makes me the a ff-idiot, heh