How to block off a tremolo - Hardtail an electric guitar, Stratocaster


New member
Hi all again,

I understand from a small research online that there are 2 ways to Hardtail the Guitar. One of which is how Chappers does it, by using a Wooden Block, But I have no idea what kind of Wood to use and How to actually do it correctly? Did Chappers Tighten the Screws holding the Bridge with Spring or did he Loosen it further to clamp the Wood Block?

My Guitar currently spots the 2nd way of Hardtailing, whereby the guys that restrung my Guitar 2 years ago, gave me the option of tightening the Screws holding my Bridge and Spring till the floating Bridge becomes a Hardtail. Thereafter, I went home to discover that my Thick E String was buzzing the hell! Than I DIY-ed and released the Thick E String Side of the Bridge to reduce the Buzzing, which is, I guess, kind of the wrong thing to do..... Now the Bridge is Crooked. And I guess String Tension and Intonation is out of place.

Which is the better way of Hardtailing my Strat?

Pictures of my SX Stratocaster
This is the Beginner Pack, Standard China Stratocaster Copy.
Its about 5 years old, so......Parts are kindof Rusty and old.
Planning to switch out all Electronics.
And Refurbish it to Play like a Dream, Sentimental Value in this one.

Those are the Pictures of my Strat "Electra" Caster

Hope to get some good suggestions.
The Body and neck are working perfectly fine i guess....
Just that the String Action is ridiculously high..... Neck not Warp...

Sorry to those who see this as another Ridiculous Noob Question......

Thank you for your Input!

PS. I also discovered the working Legendary Myth of removing the Plastic Backplate for more Sustain and Win\m/ for a Strat. And Ave decided to do away with the Plate........
There's nothing wrong with tightening the screws, just need to set the intonation again. do a quick search on youtube and you should know how to do it. very easy. All you need is a screw driver.
My Bridge is Crooked. And the Action is Insane on the Guitar...............

Check out my Photo on the Bridge. Look closely, the E strings both, Are spotted higher than the other Strings. And the Action is High and one sided.

I've Decided to Add a Block of Wood like how Chappers did!

And I have another question:

From what Chappers did, I release my Bridge. Drop the Wood in, Than just restring?

than how does it Clamp up? Does the String Tension do the MAGIC?

My Strat now has the bridge clamp tight to the Body, done by the Guitar Shop 3 years ago......
Do I release it back to the Float position and release it further out than drop the wood in?

Chappers did it such that, He releases the Spring Tension on that MIM Strat.... My's a freaking China copy..... and than Use the String Tension when restrung to do the Magic of clamping the Wood block.
That's my current understanding. Don't know if its correct?

And than, how do I set up the Guitar such that my Bridge isn't crooked? and that It will not BUZZ like the last time i did it at the Shop!?
Your guitar should have three springs at the back. Simply add two high-tension springs, which will flush the bridge against the body. Instant hardtail. Did that to my Ibanez and it was perfect for years.
Hmm I prefer not to have my Bridge flush and lock onto the Body of my guitar. It causes string Buzzing. I experienced it before when i first Tightened the Screws to increase Tension of the Bridge. The Shop just tighten it without a damn, and it ended up buzzing. I re-adjust it and ended up with a Crooked Bridge.....

From all the Video I watched and website I've read from. It seems that the usage of the wooden block doesn't end up in the Bridge being Clamped onto the Body of the Guitar?
Wat Eugenesmasher said is wat i did for my strat. No matter which method you use to hardtail it, there will still be fret buzz if the problem lies on your neck.

I'm against that method of using the wood to jam your bridge.. -_- Spring method is a much safer approach.
I have to bring my Guitar down to a store to do a re setup proper. Restring and than discuss and see how i can hardtail the Guitar.

My Strat is kind of in a Huge Mess at the Moment.

My Noob Days of Guitar Care and Maintenance was at almost zero. Because I still didn't know anything about guitars. That was 4 years ago?

I'll see how I can Hardtail the Guitar properly....
sometimes some fella on soft also could help you do a setup at a cheaper rate. :D Hahaha. So, u dun necessarily need to go to a shop to do a re-setup. But it's your choice. =)
I'm kind of rushing to get it done by next week so that i can lend it to a friend for a Gig.

I was offered help, Thanks to J.custom!

But I don't think I have the time to meet up and wait a few days for it to be done. I'm stuck with too much school work.

Thanks everybody for the Advice!