How long do you practice everyday?


New member
Hi, Just curious on how long u all practice everyday. i have been playing guitar for almost 2 months now and my practice time varies from what the teacher teaches me every week. So, just feel free to post any comment that you have.
I practice (play) my guitar for about 15 minutes to 1 hour a day, depending on my mood. I don't want to force myself onto my guitar... if it starts to feel like a chore I will lose interest ultimately...

so, I play it as and when I feel like it! Enjoy!
ideally 3 hours (in half an hour groups)

actually 2 hours (in one hour groups)

these days not much time to prac..:(
Mostly less than 1hr,because don't really have enough time.Sometimes I don't have the mood to play guitar too..
i dont like using the word practice because its usually associated with work and mundane stuff. i prefer playing as an when i like to and at my own pace.

i usually play abt 30mins everytime, if i have the time. can range from just once to abt 5-6 times a day. i play for relaxation and leisure. ppl play l4d or whatever other games for breaks i play guitar.
ok thx for the comments guys. at least i get an idea of how long one should practice everyday. what do u guys practice on? Just curious coz sometimes i get lost myself on what should i practice on
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what do u guys practice on?

learn new songs, play songs u like, and practice some scales every now and then. but i spend most of my time playing songs though. the more i play, the more exposed i am to different styles, licks and scales. i dont practice scales like how some pianists do. i pick them up from songs i learn.
i dont like using the word practice because its usually associated with work and mundane stuff. i prefer playing as an when i like to and at my own pace.

i usually play abt 30mins everytime, if i have the time. can range from just once to abt 5-6 times a day. i play for relaxation and leisure. ppl play l4d or whatever other games for breaks i play guitar.

+1 to this. But, L4D IS THE BOMB! :D

On a separate note, balance your time. There isn't a need to practise guitar like 6 hours a day to be good. Of course, you can. But seriously, who would? =/

Just concentrate on what you do for that 1 hour well, put in your best effort. Can be learning songs for your band's jam, for leisure, or purely for personal interest. You're improving along the way; just that so many of us don't know that :P
On a separate note, balance your time. There isn't a need to practise guitar like 6 hours a day to be good. Of course, you can. But seriously, who would? =/

Just concentrate on what you do for that 1 hour well, put in your best effort. Can be learning songs for your band's jam, for leisure, or purely for personal interest. You're improving along the way; just that so many of us don't know that :P

ok thx for sharing the tip.
i try to play at least 10 hours a week. on a good day, i can go up to 3 hours. but nowadays, i can hardly find the time to play. :[

i would usually work on technique (learn new ones or improve on existing ones) and build up my knowledge of the fretboard as well as speed. and sometimes some songs too. ;]
what are guitar licks dont mind i ask and how do u learn new songs? find them online?

simply put, licks or riffs are short passages you play on the guitar, both fast and slow. they mostly have a repetitive pattern and can be played using different techniques (tapping, hammer ons and pull offs, muting, sweep picking etc...)

you should learn new songs by finding songs that you like listening to. which begs the question, what kind of music do you like? and by knowing that, you will be researching for musicians and artists making that kind of music and finding their tabs online and stuff like that. the best part is that if you are keen enough, you'll also know of similiar artists playing in that same genre, and also look for their stuff to play.

i usually go to youtube to find a particular artist or song that i like to listen to it. as always there will be those tags of other artists so do check that out as well.

cheers! hope ive helped ;)
haha most of the time 2 hours.

1 hour in the afternoon and the other at night. spend most of the time practising the songs that my band's going to play on our next gig. but sometimes would screw around may come up with my own riffs. hahaha.

i use it as a break after studies, dont really like to play games during breaks, cos it totally 'kills' the momentum of my thinking. haha hope u kno wat i mean.
coming up with riffs and sitting down to think of ways to make it better just stimulates my mind more you kno. hahaha
simply put, licks or riffs are short passages you play on the guitar, both fast and slow. they mostly have a repetitive pattern and can be played using different techniques (tapping, hammer ons and pull offs, muting, sweep picking etc...)

you should learn new songs by finding songs that you like listening to. which begs the question, what kind of music do you like? and by knowing that, you will be researching for musicians and artists making that kind of music and finding their tabs online and stuff like that. the best part is that if you are keen enough, you'll also know of similiar artists playing in that same genre, and also look for their stuff to play.

i usually go to youtube to find a particular artist or song that i like to listen to it. as always there will be those tags of other artists so do check that out as well.

cheers! hope ive helped ;)

thanks for the tip. i like listening to chinese rock songs and my fav band is wu yue tian but i cant find any tabs anywhere on the internet
chinese tabs is like finding a needle in a haystack man. hopefully you can find them.

but then again mayday isn't metal so...


just kidding...

good luck ;)