How do you practise?


New member
I used to play classical alone and thats ok. Intend to try our electric guitar very soon since i realise i listen to rock (oldies) more than anything.
I wish to find how you guys practise your guitar alone at home.

1. Download Backing Tracks or use backing tracks from guitar magazines?
2. Use audio software to remove guitar portion from tracks.
3. Just play together with the original tracks
4. Just play without any audio backings
5. Others.
I practice with a metronome first, practice the song into segments over and over until you get to the right speed and hit the proper timing.. . try the Korg TM-40, cheap but works great! good luck!
just play with songs. learn to use ur ear. train it to listen to pitch. and then u also work on timing while playing with songs
Play along with the original track, and when you get more confident with the song, try playing along with the audio backing track. Or you can even play it with your band if you have one.

Flex my fingers (don't crack the knuckles, I heard it's bad...stiffens up your bones and ruin your flexibility but correct me if I'm wrong). I start with warming up. Which takes about 30 mins-1 hour. Playing scales, chops and stuff. Then play 1 or 2 songs that I know. Then the actual practice of learning a new song.
The tuner and metronome are your best friends!

Be humble and honest, if you can't play a certain lick or whatever, slow it down and be PATIENT. Don't expect to get it right the first time.

Be DISCIPLINED. Don't practice a while and just give up, set up your expectations for the day and try to achieve it.

Practicing can be boring at times. However, once you get it down, the technique behind it will stay with you for a long time (As long you play regularly). And that will be beneficial in the long run.

Last of all, HAVE FUN. Don't expect to excel in anything if you don't enjoy it. If you find sitting down and practicing for hours is a chore, perhaps guitar is not for you. Unless you are just doing it for recreation.

Learn your favourite songs, and learn the whole song. Don't just learn the intro and then skip the harder bits. Can try Guitar Pro, good stuff. You don't need to pay to own it, there are other ways. :)

Otherwise, the best way to progress is to play with people. Seriously, nothing beats that!
I play along with songs on guitarpro and favor those that involve solos with various techniques or interesting rhythms/chords. Guitarpro allows you to change tempos so the song's drumbeats and serve as a metronome too. I agree that metronomes can get boring with it's constant "tak tak tak"-ing haha... which is why I find it useful to search google for virtual drum machines or CDs that have different genres of drum grooves or something.

I also warm up with acoustic or classical before hitting the electric so that my fingers will be more flexible :) Not sure if it applies to others, but I find after that doing this, I tend to be able to play with much ease on the electric guitar. At the same time, I benefit with fingerstyle techniques.

Of course, in the end, you gotta practice constantly as well, but at the same time, take it slowly. Like some say, playing it slow is alot harder than playing fast.
haha, you know guitar pro is stepping up its anti piracy drive, when i transfer it people cant see the tabs, but can hear the midi sounds haha

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