How do i play this part correctly?

hi, here is an extract from a punk solo(sounds wierd but yes it is true - there are solos in punk rock!!! :P )


can anyone give me advice on how to play it properly???
any help is much appreciated. thanks...
hmm... aren't we supposed to do legato in this phrase, like hammer-ons and pulloffs? cos i think i can do it if it is economy picking. its the pulloffs and the strings jumps that i'm kinda having trouble with.

does any one have any advice or practice tips to help me increase my speed in order to play this type of phrases?
well for dat tab,

u muz follow the pattern,
'p' means it's a pull-off from the from
the previous note.
'h' means hammer on
the next note.
Yeah, this is just a very common type of pentatonic lick. It does require fret hand strength for the pull-offs however. Slow and precise repetition is the key to playing these types of things well.