how do i install a floyd rose into my strat??


New member
heys softies
i want to install a floyd rose on my guitar BY MYSELF!!!
what do i need to take note of
and i really want to noe how to install the locking nut into my strat neck and also install the 2 screws into the guitar body
that's i the most important
and btw mine is a SX strat.
i wan to noe a way that i could save $$ and also do my guitar no harm
pls give methods or ideas

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bring it to a luthier. i suggest buying a guitar equipped with a floyd rose since it cost almost the same if you change it to a floyd rose bridge
I advised you to get another SX guitar with a Floyd Rose liscensed tremolo instead of installing one in your current guitar. The reason is, to install one on your guitar will cost you a new SX guitar with a Floyd Rose tremolo. :) unless you love your current guitar.
Are you routing the cavity yourself too? If not, the Floyd Rose tremolo will never fit in your strat.
you might as well save up yer good money for a guitar with an FR already installed, like an ibanez RG or a jackson dinky pro. i used to fantasize over having an FR on my ibanez gsa, but after several enqueries at guitar shops, it was better to have one than go thru the trouble installing.

really, do consider. after all, i don't think the sx strat's pup config is suitable for the FR IMO.

Yup, the pole spacings of your bridge pickup will look like this...


You will need a Trembucker to solve this problem.
wads a trembucker

Seymour Duncan uses the term "Trembucker" while DiMarzio uses the term "F-spaced". Trembuckers are manufactured with the correct pole piece alignment to increase the string-to-string balance for a smooth, modern sound for guitars with Floyd Rose and similar locking tremolo bridges
Divebombs? Can't your SX strat do that?.

Yes, you have to do something to the wood to get the cavity to install the Floyd Rose bridge ;)
Divebombs? Can't your SX strat do that?.

Exactly. Why spend money on a Floyd Rose when your current trem can do the job. I think you have the wrong concept of a Floyd Rose tremolo. Google or Youtube it ;)