How do I do an upstroke palm mute


New member
Hi guys, my question as above. I can do downstroke muting, but I cant really figure out upstroke. Heard it can be done. Maybe someone can teach me?

Thanks for the tip, but I find it kind of unnatural to pick upwards while muting? is it harder than downstroke
Angle your pick with one side slightly downwards, until it's about the same doing upstrokes and downstrokes. Practice using alternative picking, it's a technique where you pick one string, but with alternating up and down strokes.
Hi, thanks for the reply. I dont really know how to use a pick, cos i cant aim with it. If i try to pick note by note, I will surely miss with a pick. So anyway I can do the downstroke without a pick, neither do I need exceptionally long nails. Therefore do I need to use a pick for upstroke muting?