how do I check the value($) of a guitar?


New member
My aunt gave me this classical guitar. She can't remember when she bought it, or how much she bought it for, but when I received it I found the machine heads and strings really rusty.

I got them all changed, they're damn new and shiny now haha

Then again I don't play classical much, and the guitar has been rotting in my room for a few months. I'm also currently short on cash.

How do I check its value?

Ohh uhh brand of guitar is Maya.
imma sound blunt but it wasn't some tear-jerking ~here niece have my guitar the significance is immeasureable~...kind of thing.

It was more like, ohh spring-cleaning time! Look at that guitar I've never played & completely forgot about. I'll give it to my niece who just started playing some electric guitar thingy - maybe she wants it.

I accepted it just because it was politically correct to do so :l

Don't get me wrong I don't hate her. It was really nice of her.
But 2 days of poly life has already burnt a hole the size of Russia in my wallet D:
Anyway I don't like having guitars rot in my room, I rather somebody else make full use of them.