how come live concert guitars.....

But if you're hyper onstage, cables can become a huge hassle. There've been countless of times my guitar cable gets tangled with the mic cord, my bassist's cable, the mic stand and at one time it completely lift up my volume pedal so my guitar went deathly quiet all of a sudden which sent me all panicky cos it took a while to find out the source of the problem.

So my advice to all the guitarists out there who constantly face this kind of problem -- quit and be a drummer. 1.....but mostly guitarist in singapore i see them standing in 1 spot not moving around...and some stage in singapore is i gez using a cable is better

Yupsie.. For Singapore stage, don't need to get a wireless unless u performing in the Sg Indoor Stadium & u r gonna walk around & interact with the people. Otherwise, cables wld suffice.
headwan said:
mostly guitarist in singapore i see them standing in 1 spot not moving around...

off topic I know, but in other words, most singaporean guitarists are boring to watch. =P

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