home recording


New member
i ould like to know what sound cards and mixers or pre amps do you guys recommend for a budget home recording studio

i have got a pair of monitor speakers and amp
what i lack is the inputs

how do i go about setting up one?
with mics and stuffs
dat my fren, is an open ended question. u need to give us some more details. wat kinda budget do u have in mind? for leisure or serious stuff.
wat do u already own and wat kind of music ure into could be of usefull help sometimes
i own a pair of mirage monitors with an int amp
(prob to playback the recordings etc)

budget for recording setup prob about 300-500 range

that includes a mic, mixer , and sound card with some cables

think i would at most need no more than 3 inputs for all my devices
1 for mic, 1 ffrom guitar and 1 from keyboard

its for leisure
u may have lots of choices in the 500 range.
1. get a PCI soundcard Audiophile 2496 -SGD$347.00
get a shure SM 57 for instrumensts or SM 58 fo vocals. (cant go wrong wit these for entry level)

2. small mixer maybe behringer UB502 -SGD$99.99
get a audigy souncard (even tho it works best for games, recording for leisure may juz be sufficent)

3. or u ccould get a Tascam US-224

u can try gettin it 2nd hand here. try also posting at the computer soundcard forum for other ppl's inputs as well
What is your soundcard now?

I would actually not get a new soundcard first if my card is decent.

I'll spend more money on the mic and preamp.Does more than getting a better soundcard.

Get a condensor like the Rode NT1, Behringer B-5, AKG C3000B, AKG C1000s, etc...

My preamp i would go for a M-audio DMP3 or the Audio Buddy.
If you want a mixer a Behringer might do the job but i would try the Soundcraft Compact 4.Not too far off from the Behringers but the quality is much much higher.

Don't forget your software like Adobe Audition or Cakewalk Home Studio or Sonar.The plug-ins will help alot.

How are you going to record?All at once?or one by one?

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