Home recording questions


New member
These are the inputs to the mixer

1. Guitar rig -> Mic from speaker
2. Piano -> mic
3. Vocals
4. Ambient/room sound

I'd like to record into a computer.

This is the first step of setting up a dedicated recording studio in my home.

I'm not well versed with audio equipment, which mics are good for which circumstances?

Is it also possible to record multi tracks instead of a direct mixed sound?
hi lightice

the reason to do multi-track recording is so that you can isolate each instrument and adjust them individually. once you understand this point, we can move on.

you will need to have enough isolation between each instrument you want to record. meaning the guitar(amp) , piano and vocal should be as far from each other as possible.

best if you can have them in individual rooms.

microphones are pretty expensive investment. choice will depends on your budget.

do check out Presonus Firepod . you dont need the mixer at all. just mic up the instrument and connect it to the interface. you can record up to 8 microphone for Firepod .

I understand why multi track is all about.

The individual tracks can be treated with effects before mixing it together for the final track.

Thank you for the recommendation.
hi lightice

when i first started out i found the below very helpful. you might want check it out.


in respect of your query on mics - FWIW i find the Shure SM57 the best for recording guitars (off-axis). i sometimes use both the sm57 and my studio projects b3 to record. I heard good things about the Sennheiser e609s too. but never tried them. i've read all kinds of techniques and mic combinations for recording guitars. best is to experiment with your setup at home. the Alter Bridge album was recorded using ribbon mics. several of which they blew! anyways it's a journey so enjoy it!

if u hv the $$, trying using several mic at different placement to record an instrument, for me i like to use d112 on the guitar amp, sm57 off axis, maybe a gd respond condenser on axis behind the d112, but beware of phase problems... u can rectify this problems later though....

i would say understanding the mics character will get u what u wan....
lightice, your piano is upright acoustic right? not those digital piano?

also, do you need to record all the instrument together or you can record them one by one?
you want multitrack you need a multitrack recording soundcard. which after that you need a computer that's powerful enough to do multitrack recording. etc etc.. prepare to receive wallet damage.
I can record the instruments individually, but sometimes I'd like to do it together cause of the 'jam' factor.

The feeling when playing together , always leaves possibility of creativity between the instrumentalists.

Action and reaction response to an all out jam.

I got you guys loud and clear.

How powerful do you need a computer to be for multi track recording?

What sound card would you recommend? I'm a bit budget conscious.
actually you can still record together but individual tracks for the "live jam factor" feel too. then have more control over the sound at the same time.

as for how powerful, I've done 16track recording at 24bit 48khz on a 2.4 ghz Intel CELERON and 1 gig DDR 333mhz ram. but it needed constant Windows maintenance. today, computers better than that specs cost probably $400 - $500 only haha.

soundcard, can either be something like Presonus Firepod which costs $850 or unless you're interested in going for 2nd hand gear which I've offered to this guy on this thread :


and by the way my soundcard is capable of up to 16 channels. I already got 8 mic pre amps, you probably gotta get another 8 yourself hehe.
AH okay thanks

Computer I have.
Soundcard no.

What about mixer?

Recording multi track yet can get that live jam feel?
How? IF we're so far apart that the mics can only pick up the sound from the individual instruments.

Different room -> mic -> sound card?
Do I need a mixer for this?
if you're getting just mic > preamps > soundcard> pc etc you don't need a mixer because you can mix inside your computer later.
if you got different rooms, thats great isolation, the problem is , how are you all gonna hear each other? thats where a headphone amp and headphones for each of you (with a real long cable) comes in.
but live jam recording you'll get the problem of sound bleeding into each other's mic. unless you record guitar/bass/keyboards D.I (direct in) and drums as per normal.
hi blueprint, how much it cost for the cable and whats the length? Thanks,
anyway is it suppose to be 1/4" or 1/8" male stereo to 1/8" female? Please advise.
hmm mine is errr I can't remember 5 or 10 metres. price wise DAIYO is good brand, it costs big time $25. but I remember there's cheaper alternatives at simlim 4th floor's ATF accessories (at the escalator).

sorry i said wrong , i meant :

headphone amp > 1/4 jack male to 1/8 jack female adapter > 5or10 metres 1/8 jack male to 1/8 jack female cable > headphones

so you still need an adapter. which you can get about $1.50.
ok thanks blueprint, if you know how to make the cable, then i think a normal quality cable with 1/4"stereo male -> 1/8"female will be around S$15.00. so i think S$25 quite reasonable for 10metres. You save the time for soldering