

New member
Hi guys, couldnt find a thread for hockey players here. So yeah started one. For those that love the sport.
discuss gear like what sticks u use, which team you play for.. techniques and maybe we could organize a soft hockey outing and maybe book a pitch and play!
I used to play hockey, in Primary skool. but then, the lure of Football was too much to tahan.I still like Hockey though!
haha, it will spoil real fast.

But hockey sticks if you use the wood sticks, depending on the construction and wood choice, it will be a tone-beast. ie when you hit the ball the sound produced is mojojojo
one right here !hahaha played for st andrews just graduated though

oh by the way selling my gx5000(black) fully taped
elastoplast on the straps
lekuoplast on the lower end lol
in 8.5/10 condition
selling for 100 lol

using this opportunity to clear stuff LOL