HI~! shinn here!


New member
Hey guys~! I'm Shinn~!

Male of cos~! not girl~! LOL

eeer.. I'm a newbie Guitarist~! which willing to learn and finally have time to learn~! so if u guys want to advice me things~! go ahead~!~!

Music type: more on Jrock than English rock~! :D:D I listen on Dir En Grey and Gazette MOST. LOL~! But still got listen other jrock band music~! :D

(wondering if i happen to know anyone here~!)

That all about me guys~! sorry for the short intro~! not very good at intro myself~! anything can feel free to ask me~! :D

keep rocking! :p
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Hey, fellow Jrocker! Welcome to Soft =) Gazette Rocks!!

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