Hi-Hat Stands


New member
I've noticed that sometimes when i do play the hi-hat closed...
There are times when it sounds really horrible due to the clashing of the 2 metal hats..sometimes its nice and crispy..

After a while i realised that its because of the uneven closure of the hats.

Would a better hi-hat stand actually fix this problem?

Or actually what is the problem?

PS: Im using a pair of Paiste 201s

Unlikely that the problem has to do with your hihat stands, unless they're literally falling apart and cannot even close properly no matter how hard you step on them. Hihats are meant to be mounted relatively loosely for the best feel and response, so it's perfectly normal for them to occasionally close unevenly in the course of your playing. More likely:

1. You're using 201s which are machine-hammered entry-level cymbals. They will sound comparatively harsh and lack the feel and sensitivity of the semi-pro and pro level cymbals like the Alpha, 2002 or Signature series. Nothing much you can do about this except to save up and upgrade.

2. Foot technique. There are endless ways to vary your footwork to coax the desired sound out of your hihats - open, semi-open, closed, chick, splash.....hihats aren't just "open" or "closed". There's also everything else in between that you can use your foot for to get different sounds and feel.

3. Stick technique. Same applies to your sticking. Stick tip/shoulder, cymbal shoulder/edge/bell/underside.....combinations of all these with the abovementioned, with varying levels of strength and sensitivity will give you lots more range and dynamics when you want to get a particular sound out of your hihats.

Good luck :]

There're actually gaps when i try to close the hats at its tightest. And ill have to
trial and error, spinning the top hat around and finding the 'right' spot before it closes nicely.


I think its ur hi hat stands, i used to have the same problem too till i changed to a new one. A normal stand would close nicely on the cymbals when stepped....so it ain't normal if u've already stepped tightly and there r still gaps....

It doesn't have to be very high end, just a decent to mid stand will do :)

this problem can be solved by simply tuning the hi-hat 'tilt adjustment screw' below your bottom hi-hat cymbal. most of the hi-hat has this thing.
