Heyyo all, Im Laurent


New member
Hello all at SOFT!!!

Im Laurent. 17 this year and i had many musical experiences. I was into the piano then the electone. Moved on to the guitar, which i didnt like. Then now im currently at the drums and im loving it so much.

I am a self taught drummer for a very unknown band called "Secondary Axel".
We are mainly into the style of very "space" like creations. Our main inspirations come from the British rock band Muse. We cover them heavily too. I am also very into Jazz drumming too. However my ability to progress faster is bound by the fact that i cant really get my own drumset due to space limitations in the house. I have a stick bag with all my stuff inside and a remo prac pad thats all.

I'm looking foward to use this forum to seek advice from many of you all more experienced musicians. Thanks.
ahh, Hi Laurent.

You're in Aloysius's band aren't you?

post some of Secondary Axel's stuff up here luhh, would love to hear you all.

and any story behind the err, name?

Haha I know.. I was in a very "gun-shot" mode this morning when it comes to posting.

So how long have you been playing drums? Have you any preference for any jamming studio (or rather any of the drum sets in any of those studios)?
yo crawldaddy.

Yeah i understand your gunshot problem. Cant bear see people get facts wrong huh.

Hmm i have been playing for 6 months only. But im hooked already.

I used to play at wee lee at serrangoon. Cus i was Gabrielite. The kit really sucks with mould on the cymbals and the drum heads on the toms look like they were gonna split if i hit it. It was a yamaha set with a mixture of sabain and zildjian crap cymbals.
Then i tried 4tones down at clark quay. Not bad but i din really like the enviroment.

Now im playing at Olando down at thomson road. Its really good. The set is a 6 piece Gretsch Catalina Maple with paiste highhat, 15" and 18" crash and crash ride respectively. Another paiste ride and zildjian china. Gilbartar hardware mostly. I really like it, but i have to tune it properly since the uncle said the set is tuned to metal stuff. So the drum heads are more loose. And i din like the sound.
hey welcome fellow drummer!!!

i gotta agree the equipment and drumsets at wee lee sux.....haha

have u tried ANP studios at tampines???big big room....the kit is good too.....

so rock on yea....

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Oh man 2359hrs_

Why does everyone know aloysius? How are you related to him?

Well, secondary axel huh. I dont know abt the secondary, but the axel is because of axl rose of guns and roses. And i dont know why it is spelt differently also.

You can visit our band blog at secondaryaxel.blogspot.com

There is a video of us playing an original. But it aint impressive.
heyyo nazdrummer

Neh i never tried tht one. Too far for me. Most of my pals are living in thomson, bishan, toa payoh area.

I might try it if the oppurtunity arises.
ouh abit far eh???it's ok then.....

and yea it sucks too not to have a drumset at home.....i have no space for it!! haha

so i air drum too......makes gd practice to kill mosquitos too!!! :lol:

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

I would recommend you to try out Music Ensemble at Paradiz Centre basement 1 right in front of the Subway sandwich outlet.

Every drummer whom I've jammed with at that place has given the drum set good reviews.
yeah i read up on it already. Apparently it does have a good set. But i dont go there too often. And my band dudes are lazy fellas. Wont get more than 2 clicks away from the house.