hey help with what effect to use.


New member
hey "soft" people. haha

hey. im in band who plays hard rock like ac/dc, deep purple, Black Sabbath. what effect must i use to have their kinda of sound? help.
the bands listed above dont really use much effects , i suggest u look into amps instend.


but if u realli need. try getting turbo distor(overdrive) wah pedals and pre amp. ya. thats about it. (:

correct me if im wrong. i dun really play much of rock/hard rock. im more into jazz and blues. ya (:
The only thing these guys use is amp onboard gain. You might want to find YOUR OWN type of gain though. Consider a main drive/booster combo.

Main Drive options:
EHX Metal Muff
AMT Du Hast
SubDecay Blackstar

Booster Options:
Ibanez TS-9
SubDecay Blackstar
SubDecay Liquid Sunshine
SubDecay Stupid Box (this is the fuzz one right?)
EHX English Muff'n

That's all i can recommend because I haven't really tried a lot of pedals since my Metal Muff and Blackstar suit my metal cravings perfectly.
actually most of their tone is determined by their amp and guitar. at least now we have pedals to help us get that tone. hunt for a good overdrive. try them and if u like them buy it. its good in investing in a good overdrive. i play ac/dc and deep purple too. and i use a barber LTD, i nail led zeppelin tones with drive all the way full. my advice, look more to overdrive more than distortion for the type of music u play
Guitar into cranked tube amp.. Nothing else required.. And if you want that kinda tone at bedroom levels, then you need an attenuator to push your tube amp into overdrive yet retain a low volume..

But if you're on a budget.. Pedals lor..

Dude, first of all you gotta tell us the gear you are using.. If you're a HUGE tone using a 10W amp with 8" speakers, you gotta think twice.. We don't even know what part of their tone you intend to replicate! Their distorted tone? Their clean tone?

Well, based on the assumption that you are looking for their distorted tone, I suppose you'd do well with proper pedals:
Seekz Punchtone (recommended)
HBE Big 'D' Distortion
Boss DS-1 Keeley modded or silver screw MIJ
Pro Co Vintage RAT
MI Audio Crunchbox
another pedal to add on to the list would be a Radial Tonebone Hot British.
u should also look into british amps since the bands listed above mostly uses british amps.
Tony - Laney
Angus -Marshall
Blackmore -Marshall in his early days.