Guitar into cranked tube amp.. Nothing else required.. And if you want that kinda tone at bedroom levels, then you need an attenuator to push your tube amp into overdrive yet retain a low volume..
But if you're on a budget.. Pedals lor..
Dude, first of all you gotta tell us the gear you are using.. If you're a HUGE tone using a 10W amp with 8" speakers, you gotta think twice.. We don't even know what part of their tone you intend to replicate! Their distorted tone? Their clean tone?
Well, based on the assumption that you are looking for their distorted tone, I suppose you'd do well with proper pedals:
Seekz Punchtone (recommended)
HBE Big 'D' Distortion
Boss DS-1 Keeley modded or silver screw MIJ
Pro Co Vintage RAT
MI Audio Crunchbox