i bought a bass 2nd hand but i can't play it. no sound is coming out when i use it during jamming. i just started playing bass. anyone care to help? and yes, i was so called cheated as the previous owner said it was working well.
1) Check your knobs. Are they turned to Off or Low?
2) Check your Amp and it's knobs same as (1). If possible use another guitar/bass on the amp and see if there is any sound.
3) Check your cable. Switch it to another bass or guitar and see if it works. If you've got a "circuit breaker" cable like a Planet Waves....make sure the cable button is depressed so that the circuit is closed.
4) If you've got an "Active" bass, your 9V battery might need replacing. (Although i don't think it should affect the bass till there is absolutely no sound.)
If all the above checks out....prob only 3 things. One, your bass input/connector could be shot. This would be if there is absolutely no sound from either pickup (assuming you have 2). Two, your pickups wiring is shot. Same as above - either pickup has no sound. Three, your pickups are shot ( I think this is rarer though).
If you're feeling adventurous, open up the control cavity and see if there are any wires that are obviously not connected. Also replace the 9V battery if applicable. If everything seems like it is okay, you need to make a trip to a repair shop.
Alternatively, go to the Tiong Bahru market, buy a pig head and hang it outside the seller's house. (Disclaimer: There is no scientific evidence that the hanging of a haram animal head outside a place of residence would result in a refund of money. Consult with your lawyer or neighborhood policeman first. :mrgreen
But if you genuinely feel that you were cheated/mislead, do post the name of the seller in a new thread with all the details of the sale so that all softies will be wary of him/her.