

New member
i bought a bass 2nd hand but i can't play it. no sound is coming out when i use it during jamming. i just started playing bass. anyone care to help? and yes, i was so called cheated as the previous owner said it was working well. :(
i bought a bass 2nd hand but i can't play it. no sound is coming out when i use it during jamming. i just started playing bass. anyone care to help? and yes, i was so called cheated as the previous owner said it was working well. :(

1) Check your knobs. Are they turned to Off or Low?

2) Check your Amp and it's knobs same as (1). If possible use another guitar/bass on the amp and see if there is any sound.

3) Check your cable. Switch it to another bass or guitar and see if it works. If you've got a "circuit breaker" cable like a Planet Waves....make sure the cable button is depressed so that the circuit is closed.

4) If you've got an "Active" bass, your 9V battery might need replacing. (Although i don't think it should affect the bass till there is absolutely no sound.)

If all the above checks out....prob only 3 things. One, your bass input/connector could be shot. This would be if there is absolutely no sound from either pickup (assuming you have 2). Two, your pickups wiring is shot. Same as above - either pickup has no sound. Three, your pickups are shot ( I think this is rarer though).

If you're feeling adventurous, open up the control cavity and see if there are any wires that are obviously not connected. Also replace the 9V battery if applicable. If everything seems like it is okay, you need to make a trip to a repair shop.

Alternatively, go to the Tiong Bahru market, buy a pig head and hang it outside the seller's house. (Disclaimer: There is no scientific evidence that the hanging of a haram animal head outside a place of residence would result in a refund of money. Consult with your lawyer or neighborhood policeman first. :mrgreen:)

But if you genuinely feel that you were cheated/mislead, do post the name of the seller in a new thread with all the details of the sale so that all softies will be wary of him/her.
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Did you check/test the bass before buying it from the person? If it was working then, there's little reason why it isn't working now.

If you didn't test it, then go with vinestreet's advice.

If it still doesn't work, take the issue up with the seller first and resolve it with him before plastering his name in this thread.

Only if all the above fails, then should you consider posting up his name.
done that during jamming, still no sound, vinestreet. cherns, i didn't check/test before buying. yes, i know it's partially my fault(stupid me). i wrote that "i was so called cheated" because i bought the bass for 40$(cheapskate i know -.-) so i was not as surprised when there was no sound but the thing that irritated me was that when i pm the owner about what's wrong with the bass, he didn't reply despite he's often active in soft.
i think i will not mention the name here. hope he'll just read this and reply cause it would be easier and maybe cost saving(?) when i send the bass for repairs. thanks guys. btw do anyone knows how much roughly the repairs gonna be?

+1 on the if all the above fails, then post his name.

As for the cost of repairs....impossible to tell unless you actually know what is wrong with it in the first place. Like a "car accident" way to know repair cost untill you know what was broken in the accident.

Other bros might be able to give guesstimates on pickup replacements, rewiring, resoldering etc.

Good luck.
aww man thats f. up! :( thanks anyway ^^

Hey man, no bass goes for $40. Heck, even a Made in China Panda brand plywood classical guitar goes for more than $40 second hand.

If the seller was willing to let it go for $40, he must have known there was something SERIOUSLY wrong about it. Or he is insane. Either way, I know it's gonna hurt should have walked away from a deal too good to be true.

Either way, take it up with him and if he still doesn't respond, post his name. If he is deceitful, you don't want him to continue like this even if it is only $40.
bro im here. i'm always able to get the bass back from u if u are unhappy if u were able to like tell me a few days after the deal like i always tell buyers of my stuffs they cud call me shud the stuffs got prob. but seemed like i never received any calls from you. nw u suddenly pop out talking about it?
instead of posting here.. you should always call the seller first wad.. WHY POST without the thought of even asking the seller?
threadstarter is childish! purely childish! oh, its a 2008 member. pardon me. that was expected. bye!

/no offence liquidribs bro.. u are not one, definitely.. grrr... your marshall sell away liao! roar!
moderator pls delete this thread.

i dont want any dispute, its just that someone post a thread to indicate bad dealers. i thought the one i dealt with was a bad one since my bass is not working and i had no amps to use it on. but since he has no bad history about dealings i guess its my bad to ruin it, my offence. its just that i pmed the dealer. i guess just forget it, drop the whole thing. my apologies.

and yes im 2008 user with a childish attitude. blacklist me, load of thanks xoxo
enough with the kids flaming kids nonsense.

active on soft doesnt mean anything. for every bonafide musician there are two dozen or more poseurs. it is my understanding that most people on soft are not even real musicians.

in fact, most of the well-respected bassists on these forums are not even active. they are busy with... oh i dunno... gigs maybe

it's not as though soft is the pinnacle of bass players. i'd bet my balls that at least half of soft 'bassists' have never even read a single thread in

be glad it was only $40. a small price to pay for a lesson learnt
i dont want any dispute, its just that someone post a thread to indicate bad dealers. i thought the one i dealt with was a bad one since my bass is not working and i had no amps to use it on. but since he has no bad history about dealings i guess its my bad to ruin it, my offence. its just that i pmed the dealer. i guess just forget it, drop the whole thing. my apologies.

and yes im 2008 user with a childish attitude. blacklist me, load of thanks xoxo

bro its nt wrong to ruin someone's rep just becos he had no prob b4. i dun mind u if u ruin my rep shud i be really at fault. also pls dun say u are childish and blacklist urself.
i don't endorse 'warn' threads because the damage done to someone's reputation is irreversible, and there is no way to properly verify the claims. it also closes any possibility of the accused party of making any form of rectification. i don't know why the mods keep allowing such things. maybe they have their own agenda.
it's not as though soft is the pinnacle of bass players. i'd bet my balls that at least half of soft 'bassists' have never even read a single thread in

True, but reading TB does not make one a genuine bassist, as suggested by your quotation marks.

I do agree that most of the better bassists aren't active on SOFT though.