HELP!! Yamaha CPX 5


New member
I am thinking of buying Yamaha CPX 5, Electric guitar. Seller said said that this model costs $1099 @ Yamaha store... But now for $485.Comes with hardcase... Good deal? Should I buy? Help.

P.S: I posted this already in Kopi-tiam board, but I need help aurgently..
a simple search on the internet or on musiciansfriend would suffice.

i saw one site. and the guitar is selling for 240 USD.

so that guy's most probably a lying bastard.
well, in uk sites, for pounds it's like 300 pounds, which is around 900 sing dollars.. so.. i am confused..
you can go down to yamaha and check the price of that guitar. that will give you a better idea of how much the guitar actually cost.
i totally agree with pinkspider..
go to yamaha and ask for it's retail price

btw funky, it's not an electric, it's a semi acoustic