Help with song to play for CIP!


New member
Hey guys. i will be going to St. Joseph's home with my class sometime in march. We are thinking of playing some songs as there is quite a number of guitarists in my class. St. Joseph's home is an old folk's home btw. so i would like to know what songs would you all recommend for us to play for them on that day. Please help us as we are still secondary school students and we do not know much songs that are nice in the past. Thanks!
Deep purple, led zeppelin,Black sabbath

im pretty sure the old people there will regain their memory of the good old 60s and 70s
Not everyone listens to rock in the 60s or 70s. And there are folks in there who are more into the 50s.

Play something more generic eg Sinatra.
Elvis, Sinatra(maybe a little tough to pull off), The Beatles.

If you are capable of playing Chinese songs... Whoa wait I don't know any old school Chinese songs. Ask your folks.
Just play soft/slow rock. As long as the songs are performed sincerely they were be really happy. Have done such CIP before
Easy. Just play Black Magic Woman, you'll get stripping aunties in no time. Or you can always go with the internet favourite, I Cum Blood.