Help with nusic theory.


New member

I've been wondering for a while. the B flats and A sharps question

the scales of those two(which is same)

(1)A# C D D# F G A A#

(2)Bb C D Eb F G A Bb

getting A# from A scales ---> 1/2 step up the TTSTTTS formula
A B C# D E F# G# A

(1)A# C D D# F G A A#

getting A# from B scales ----> half step down
B C# D# E F# G# A# B

(2)Bb C D Eb F G A Bb

I get the scales (1) and (2)

here is my question.

in A, there is 3 sharps. and 4 neu
3 : 4
sharpen 1/2 = 3 neu 4sharp

in B, there is 5 sharps. and 2 neu
5 : 2
Flat 1/2 = 5 neu and 2 flat

how come both can achieve same scales?
why the A# from A doesn't have 4 sharp notes. where as there is from the ideal? is there something wrong or that i miss?
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Number One is wrong. You don't write D and D# or A and A# in the same scale because you couldn't write the key signature.

A# major is a theoretical key and has 10 sharps. It is written using double sharps as A# B# Cx D# E# Fx Gx

The number of sharps in a key signature goes up by one as move around the cycle of fifths

C 0 sharps
G 1
D 2
A 3
E 4
B 5
F# 6
C# 7
G # 8
D# 9
A# 10

Easier just to write it as Bb major.
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Widdly is right. 7 sharps for key-signature is the max. Once you reach 8, you go into double-sharps in the key-signature, which you don't usually do. Similar for keys with flats.
widdly. . .

yeah. i know what you mean. I've studied theory by memorizing. and i know there cannot be A# and A in a scales. because the ladder in the staff will miss one.

so I was thinking.
If i use an A major and sharp everything, I will get a A#/Bb scale
If i use B major and flat everything i get A#/Bb same

but by logical thinking it actually cannot be done.

I wanted to get something out by my own way. And wanted to find how it works. and I overlooked B-C no sharps and E-F no sharps.

so the things that i missed while calculating is B-C E-F
kind of stupid of me. stupid stupid stupid . . . .
thanks alot for your help guys. I'll go sort this out soon.
IT'S BUGGING ME arrgg can't get it off my head. I'll go try out now.
OK. I think i've got it.

my thinking/idea was like a reverse

A major with FGC sharp put aside the 10sharp Key sign

A B C# D E F# G# 3 sharp : 4 Neu

sharp it

A# B# D D# E# G A 4 sharp : 3 Neu

you'll see 3:4 then reverse 4:3

then correct the
B# and E#

well it actually works.

the reason why it didn't work out in my mind at first was that i auto correct the E# and B# that i ask why the theory won't work

>.< sorry sorry. THANKS GUYS a big help ^_^

well my understanding improve a little after this it's all wrong(in a sense) but it arrival at the correct place.

next time for easy way out just use TTSTTTS my "reverse" stuff put into minor will give me headache. MAN.... I should just memorize theory now.
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