Help with guitar


New member
hey guys i really need help...when i plugged in my guitar to my made really weird bad sounds. After awhile it stop. could it be the amp or the wire connecting the amp to the guitar cause the amp seems okay?
1) Plug an instrument cable into the amp, at the other end, DONT connect to geetar. Instead, use your hand, gently touch the tip of the cable plug. If the amp and cable is working fine, you should heard a "thud" sound when your finger touch the tip of the cable plug. There shud be a slight hum/hiss heard when you plug the cable into amp without geetar, its normal. If its too obvious for comfort, then either the cable having problem or from the amp

Turn down the volume on the amp when trying this, loud sudden burst of the "thud" sound aint good for speaker

2) If above done done and verything seem ok, then it might be from the geetar. And if you have no idea of whats in there, then bring to geeetar tech to check.

If you wanna open it up and fidget yourself with the wiring, then check for the output jack(for a start) and all the rest of the grounding point, then go thru the wiring from pickup to selector switch to pots and output jacks. Again, if you dont wanna fidget with it, bring to geetar tech. Even if theres no problem with the guitar, at least you will know that the problem been narrowed to the cable and amp or pedals. The rest, test it one by one, from changing cable, changing amp(borrow friends amp etc), isolate pedals, plug in and try with geetar(if any pedals).

without looking, seeing the thing infront of us, its hard to deduce whats really happening. Do try what was mentioned above or give more details on what sort of weird sound, on start up, when you mute the strings, when you on the amp, when you on the distortion etc. It will be more useful and help be more accurate and precise. Heh, if not there might be lotsa suggestions and you be more confused by what to follow