Help with buying Acoustic Guitar. which one? Takamine or Fina?


New member
hellloooo softies!!

alright, i'm planning to get a solid top acoustic. but i dont know which one!
i've looked around, mainly at the prices, havent got to try any yet. read reviews on the fina 3150 and they were mostly good. havent read much on the takamine though. the uncle at davis said that a close rival for the fina (or the other way around, wouldnt want to anger takamine lovers) would be the G260 or 265 cant really remember.

so softies, my budget is around 350? and it doesnt have to come with pickups. Help me man!

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how about Samick? a friend bought a pretty nice solid top samick for only $250. but it was pre-Greg Bennet Samick, dont know if it's still available.