Help on power supply


New member
my device requires

Input: AC 120V 60Hz
Output: AC (not DC) 9V 800mA

power adaptor. When i plug it in, BOOM..everything when blackout. luckily nothing is burned. I cant use the supplied adaptor. The manual says it need AC (not DC) 9V, 800mA adaptor to work. Is it safe to use it at my home?
singapore rating is at 230v 50hz, you are feeding close to double the voltage into your adaptor and the device

to use the device, you need a step down transformer, between the apdator and the device

230v from supply goes into step down transformer, step voltage down and goes into the device.

but before that, look for tech to check your device first, sometime components in it cant take the sudden surge and might be damaged that cant be seen thru visual check.

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