help on guitar bending:)


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help on guitar string bending:)

Hi guys,i find it hard to bend strings on my guitar when doing solo and stuffs like bending 1 1/2 is very hard to bend ...does changing the strings gauge help like to a lighter gauge?Currently using gauge 10 strings. i have tried other guitar and the strings are much looser thanks!So what should i do ty.
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i think u should change u're title to string bending instend.
if u're using a trem guitar , u should be able to losen the tension by adjusting the screws on the back of u're guitar.
but practising of course is the best way ;)
Use multiple fingers to bend.. Like one to bend, another 2 to support..
If SRV could still play normally on gauge 13s, I suppose its more to do with technique lol..
thanks guys for the fast reply...guess i got to practice more:pwhenever i try to do a 1 1/2 bend i got that feeling that the strings are gonna snap lol.
Changing to light gauged strings will help you in bending.

It's also a good practice to bend on heavier gauged strings as it strengthens your fingers and makes it easier to bend on light gauged strings after a while.

Don't worry about the string snapping unless it's an old rusty string :D
Go according to the gauge you're comfortable with.. Just make sure you set up (especially adjust the truss rod) when you change gauges..

Well.. I personally like 10s cause the dynamics when you attack has much more oomph.. If you understand what I'm saying.. Hahaha..
i think your setup doesnt suit your current string gauge hence the tension.either re-setup or get strings of lower gauge.
hehe i used to bend strings in pain but after practising on my acoustic high action super rusty unsetup guitar, it built my finger strength. hehe. just use multiple fingers, reduce the gauge and go setup and ure ready to go!
i used to have this problem with my strat. i brought it to beez and he thought i was using 12s. cos the tension was crazy. so he increased the action by like.. alot. and now its back to easy bending.

just a suggestion. btw i use 10s too
sorry that i don't have anything constructive to add (lowering string gauge and action are solid ideas as mentioned above), but a first i was wondering how come there's such a far-out guitarist who wants to bend his entire guitar. that would totally eclipse anything even sonic youth have done in their entire career.
sorry that i don't have anything constructive to add (lowering string gauge and action are solid ideas as mentioned above), but a first i was wondering how come there's such a far-out guitarist who wants to bend his entire guitar. that would totally eclipse anything even sonic youth have done in their entire career.

dude cause i think his strings are super stiff and cant really go over 1/2 a bend.nobody in their right mind would wanna bend over 2.
THanks for all the advices given,and the strings are so stiff dat i have to struggle over 1/2 bend.Will change the string gauge 9 and try it out :)
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sorry that i don't have anything constructive to add (lowering string gauge and action are solid ideas as mentioned above), but a first i was wondering how come there's such a far-out guitarist who wants to bend his entire guitar. that would totally eclipse anything even sonic youth have done in their entire career.

aiya act dont know only. bend strings la. where got bend guitar one.
well my advice,get a string guage that matches your tunings,cause there are different guages that suit different tuning,but really the guages have nothin to do with the havier or the thinner it is it makes your life easier its jut building that tolerence for pain and gettin your fingers used to it,and also another best way to get nice loud high pitched bends is do some pinch orartificial harmonics,it what i love to do and to do those properly you jsut need to get your guages right iwth the tunings,it has nothin to do with loosening your strings,even if you havea tremolo cause the moment you losen the back springs you got to retune it cause a balanced trem is --->string tension=spring tension so even if you loosen it once you retune it will still have the same tensionbut you want the tremlo to sit level with the body of the guitar,cause i have a floyd and having a guitar with a floyd give you alot more possibilitied ,but you having a fixed bridge on your guitar just simply means you just have to train your fingers even if you had a tremolo bridge guitar or a fixed bridge guitar
Okay.. What dudelove said was true, and a REAL big issue that is often neglected..

Sometimes, it is not the strings that need to be changed, but some work has to be done on the guitar itself.. I remember when this Greco LP just came in to Ebenex Music (it is the same white Greco that is used to test pedals) and it was fitted with new strings.. It was gauge 10s, but the strings were BEYOND stiff.. I can tell you using 3 fingers to bend wasn't enough.. Next time I went there it was normal..