Help needed with the boss NS-2


New member
Hi to all.

I need help from the tone gurus here in Soft.

I intend to get the Boss NS-2. Primary reason is to gate/suppress the noise that my drive pedals are generating and I intend to put the drive pedals in the loop of the NS-2. The NS-2 will always be on. If I were to follow the instuction from the Boss manual, it states that the NS-2 must see my guitar directly but that means my tuner, compressor, phaser and drive pedals will be in the NS-2 loop.

The way I plan to connect it is like this.

Guitar -> tuner -> comp -> phase -> NS-2 in
Dirt pedals -> NS-2 loop
NS-2 out -> delay -> amp

So my question will be, will the NS-2 function just as fine if I connect it my way or do I have to strictly follow the connection as suggested in the Boss manual?

Any help given is much appreciated.

in the end it doesn't matter, just experiment with different configurations until you find one with the least noise

e.g. 1: guitar > tuner > comp > phase (I prefer it after dirt but that's just me) > NS-2 loop in > dirt pedals > NS-2 loop out > delay > amp

e.g. 2: guitar > tuner > NS-2 loop in > comp > phase > dirt pedals > NS-2 loop out > delay > amp

e.g. 3: guitar > tuner > comp > phase > dirt pedals > delay > amp
here is my setup for my board:

guitar > ns in > ns loop out > comp > high gain dist 1 & 2 > eq > ns loop in > ns out > amp sim > delay > comp boost > OUT
Thank you bro VidaK.

adidasman, with your set up, are you just suppressing/gating just your gain pedals? Do you always leave the NS-2 on? If you do, does it affect your clean tone at all?

Thank you in advance.


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