help me with guitar.


New member
hey there...

i need help choosing guitar...

im interested in guitar with floyd rose..

but not sure what to buy..

have u heard abt craftsman guitar?

is the guitar good?

cause i saw it in the sale..

but i search for it in the net, but theres nutting found

or is there any other brands that is cheap..

my budget is low...

and my current guitar need some rewiring and body job..
hahah bro i only know ure looking for an electric guitar when i see floyd rose.
whats with floyd rose that u like so much? just curious.

please state:
how cheap is cheap??
any prefered brands?? ok u mentioned craftsmen.
any brands u dont want??
any pickup prefered? hum or single?
any prefered shapes??
wad's u're budget?
if u aint got no good budget please dont get a floating trem , the trem bridge are made of some sh!ty material which wears out very fast and doesnt last , nor stays in tune for some time .
My honest opinion, if you're going to use the trem for less hardcore stuff, like maybe some pulls and pushes, don't get the floyd rose. It tunes off very fast (for the lower ends ones), and is quite hard to restring and set up. And if you don't know how to set it up, it will cost alot. Anyways, state your budget.

the standard to beat for a floating bridge (dual whammy action) is the Floyd Rose brand itself due to its more durable & reputable tuning consistency. thusfar, i can only vouch for Ibanez's Edge Pro/ III models as being equally (if not better) reliable in these aspects.

as mentioned by learned members in the above posts, if your whammy needs are minimal, just get a non-locking unit but set-up has to be reputable for tuning to hold well.
sub, i personally prefer the original edge and lo pro edge in terms of stability and feel.
IMO, they're better then the OFR itself in terms of return to pitch stability.
the standard to beat for a floating bridge (dual whammy action) is the Floyd Rose brand itself due to its more durable & reputable tuning consistency. thusfar, i can only vouch for Ibanez's Edge Pro/ III models as being equally (if not better) reliable in these aspects.

Sub sir, I think the Standard has taken quite a beating these days.

Apparently, the old original floyds were the standard but the new ones... have lost it all. Poor QC, badly machined parts, poor finish/coating, etc etc etc.

Even Suhr, who makes premium quality guitars, have dumped the OFR in lieu of the much cheaper, better quality Gotoh Floyd Rose.

Threadstarter, if you have 500-ish, you can purchase a really nice guitar with a good Floyd Rose - Yamaha RGX 420

There are quite a few in Plaza Sing's Yamaha. Get the model with the Hot toggle switch.