Help Me , Looking for a part time job

welcome, don't need to be stress la,only part time job right? dont underestimate coffee brewer, a lot of people addicted to coffee in the morning la. And sales assist in clothes department surely have vacancies.
try hotels.they require part time banquet waiters every now and then..just go to any hotel and say that you are looking for a part time job in the banquet department as a`s worth a shot:)
actually, im just sick and tired of people asking help looking for jobs, instead of that,

Why not just stand up, get out, and find one, is not that easy, but at least give it a try.

if you have disabilities, i can understand, we can help you, but i dont think your having disabilities.

want me to be helpful? alright i will

Dude, its not like he's not making an effort in finding one. He's asking for extra help to whoever who can give the help. Going out , wandering aimlessly to find a job is just a retarded thing to do.
i wonder if one day someone from soft might start a (HELP ME FIND A GALFRD/BYFRD) thread..
we already have a *help me find gigs* thread* and a *help me find a job* thread
